Once a Myth, Now a Reality

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


Just as a heads up, it's fanfiction so none of it is supposed to be scientifically accurate.

This chapter is also for Reebist who commented on my last chapter. Thank you so much for commenting! It made my day knowing that there are people out there who truly enjoy my fanfiction!

I am super sorry. I forgot to post yesterday but I mean, it was the holidays.



Chapter Seven: Once a Myth, Now A Reality.

The Tales of the Brewing Beast

Everything started with silence. An infinite amount of space and nothing to fill it. Until the light burst, showering the world in dust particles and pulsing energy.

Watch as stars form, casting the silence with a radiant glow seen from lightyears across. Now comes the crash and burn of planets, orbiting the once lonely suns. Impact on impact on impact, each creating its own world.

Mercury, too close for comfort for the sun but it doesn't seem to mind. The first friend it ever had.

Venus, a second friend only bigger and more independent. Farther away to give the sun it's needed space.

Earth, the lonesome planet of its world. Not wanting anything to do with Mercury and Venus, it created its own friends. Friends that dwelled on its surface, tickling Earth as the rock, water and ice appeared. It stands out from the others for it gives life.

Mars, wanting to be like Earth, different from the rest but ultimately failing. The red gives it an angry glow, just like its core.

Jupiter, unstable as well but couldn't contain itself. Always in a constant battle with anger. Wanting to conceal itself from the stable planets, a barrier of rock was created.

Saturn, too unstable to be made of rock like the rest, gas fills its atmosphere. To hold on to its last little bit of sanity, rings of rock, ice and dust were created to protect the rest of the planets in its world.

Uranus, following suite of the separated planets, this icy blue planet stands alone as it orbits around its sun.

Neptune, trying to compete with Uranus. The battle of the blues.

Pluto, the lone wolf of the pack. Not quite a planet. Not sure why it's here as it cuts off the orbits of its supposed friends.

The strength of Earth is unmatched compared to the others as it thrives on growing life. Creating its none haven the others failed to do.

Somewhere far away, a rock with pulsing, alive energy grew envious of Earth, the planet that figured out how to make its own friends. The rock bursts with anger, collecting particles from its neighboring stars. Dark, anger swirls of gray dust, taking on a life of its own, festering with a hatred for Earth as it grows and prospers.

Gathering up the remains of the rock, it scatters itself into particles, penetrating the rock. Its anger fuels it as it uses its energy to hurl itself at Earth.

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