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I peeped around the corner of the wall and I saw roman ripping bray off Seth as dean tried to calm down braun. Alexa and Bianca wasn't there.
I just stood and watched, I don't need to be involved unless bray is getting hurt. And I know braun and Luke is there, but that's bray wyatt. My best friend.

Roman got bray off.

Roman: "I swear to god bro you better calm down."
Bray: "oh what huh? Or what? You think I'm going to let your little friend chat shit about her, huh?"

..are they talking about me?

Roman: "what? Bray man just calm down okay, what did you say Seth?"
Seth groaned in pain on the floor, coughing as he grabbed his ribs.
Bray: "saying that jasmyne is a whore, she goes for any man who's thrown her way and he's embarrassed that you went with her"
Roman turned his head to look in my direction.
I come around the corner walking towards bray and roman.
You: "is that so Seth?"
Seth laughed as he looked up at me.
Bray kicked him in the head.
Dean: "bray stop!" And shoved him.
I stood between bray and roman looking down at him.
You: "okay well clearly you have no idea who I am so that's cute. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is jasmyne foley. You know the relation? Anyway, I've spent half my time as a actress. Playing Wednesday Addams and Harley Quinn, that's how I met bray. In my whole time being who I am I have had an on and off relationship with one guy, who you know as Lil Pump. I don't have anything to do with him now cause as you and the whole world knows that he's now married to the model Kendal Jenner who I despise with all my heart and soul. Not that I have to justify myself to someone like you. So in conclusion to your little fantasy of me, I've only had sex with one guy, and yes you are totally correct. Boys throw themselves at me here, left, right and centre. Do I pay attention to any of But do I have a celebrity crush that's been my crush for over 5 years now? Yes. Is his name Roman reigns? Yes. So Seth freakin' rollins..I thought you learnt your lesson tonight in hell in a cell. You was totally embarrassed by my best friend the Fiend Bray Wyatt, but clearly that wasn't enough. You wanna fuck with me Seth? and your wife are no longer safe. You're action have consequences. So I'd start preparing for that if I was you. Do something actually useful with the time left of today, cause it's been a fuck up from start to finish, hasn't it, Seth?"
I stared him down angrily.
Seth looked embarrassed.
Deans mouth had dropped.
Brauns mouth had dropped.
Romans mouth dropped but was smirking at the same time.
Bray laughed.
Roman: "don't fuck with jasmyne..i understand now
Bray: "come on trouble maker, let's take you home"
Roman: "you going?"
You: "well apparently so"
Roman grabbed my waist and said in my ear.
Roman: "this is my house that I share with dean, Seth and the usos. It's best you go home tonight."
You: "okay.."
Roman: "hey. You come see me soon as you get to smackdown okay?"
You: "yes chief"
Roman: "good girl."
He kissed my head and bray put me over his shoulders.
I waved goodbye to roman and dean. Roman winked at me as we got through the doors.
Bray sat me in the car. Alexa was in there with braun.
You: "wheres Bianca?"
Alexa: "she left not longer after jey came over"
You: "oh..was she okay?"
Alexa: "I can't lie baby girl she looked really pissed"
You: "oh. I'll message her"

You: "hey baby, I hope you're okay! You wanna talk about it? X"

message failed to deliver.

You: "what?" I tried to resend it.

message failed to deliver.

You: "Alexa can you call her please?my messages won't send to her"
Alexa: "yeah sure"
Alexa called Bianca.

It started to ring. She put it on loud speaker.
Bianca: "hello"
Alexa: "hey darlin, are you okay?"
Bianca: "no, I'm not."
Alexa: "what happened? What's wrong?"
Bianca: "jasmyne was totally flirting with jey. She knows I like him."
I mouthed to Alexa: "what the fuck is she taking about?"
Alexa: "I don't think that was the case"
Bianca: "she was. Even jey flirted back with her."
Alexa: "you literally watched her leave roman, what are you talking about?"
Bianca: "you're with her right now aren't you?"
You: "Bianca, what the fuck. You know I like roman why would I ever go for his cousin? That's just wrong!"
Bianca: "shut the fuck up I don't want to talk to you"
You: "excuse me? You're making up shit."
Becky: "jasmyne, I knew there was something about you that I just don't like. You just don't do that to your friends do you? I'm not trying to be patronising but what you did was a shitty thing. Yes or no?"
You: "oh hello Becky how are you?"
Alexa: "why the fuck are you hanging out with Becky?"
Bianca: "cause she actually respects me"
You: "yeah okay Becky respecting someone, nice one Bianca"
Alexa: "that's pretty snakey Bianca"
Becky: "so you like roman huh?"
You: "does that concern you?"
Becky: "just interesting. I'm already married to one third of the shield so I suggest you're a lot nicer to me"
You: "or what"
Alexa: "Becky your such a bitch."
Becky: "thank you for you comment Alexa"
You: "talk to her with some more respect"
Becky: "or what?"
You: "you'll find out on Friday. I'm coming for you Becky."
Becky: "aha okay"
You: "already threatened your husband tonight so why not throw you into the mix huh"
Becky: "shut your mouth"
You: "or what"
Becky hung up.

Alexa: "oh my god."
You: "yeah..what the fuck just happened"
Bray: "damn..that's just shitty."
Braun: "how has so much happened tonight"
You: "I don't know. But you're all about to see the side of me you've all been waiting for. Bray I have a plan."

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