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Card pulled: Nine of Swords reversed

"The nine of swords reversed shows that you are experiencing deep inner turmoil as a result of your mindset. Your negative thoughts are taking you in a downward spiral of despair and anxiety that contradicts reality; you are making things feel much worse than they really are. You may try to keep your worries private and personal to you, but if you are struggling to keep your head above water, it may now be time to confide in others and seek their help and support. Others will offer you a new perspective, or even just a place to vent, that will ease some of the stress and tension. The nine of swords reversed appears when you are gripped by fear. You are allowing your fears to impede your fullest potential and it is stripping you of your life force. You cannot take a step forward because you are so distressed about what might happen. Get a reality check and evaluate which fears are warranted, and which are not. Release your limiting beliefs, crippling fears, and self-doubt.

The nine of swords reversed can also point out that you are incredibly hard on yourself, putting yourself down or engaging in negative self-talk. So, when the nine of swords reversed appears in a reading, ask yourself why you are so hard on yourself. How are you putting yourself down, and what is the source of your depression? What can you do to make yourself feel better? You may need to make a more conscious effort to quit the negative self-talk and replace it with positive reinforcement for a job well done. . . " - biddytarot.com 

You being here is not a mistake. It may be hard to believe, but you belong here. You are special. We live on the tiny planet Earth, one of the many planets in this huge universe. Did you know that astronomers haven't fully discovered or fully understood the universe yet? Did you know that we can only see from a telescope as far as the light from the big bang has traveled?  Did you know that there is an estimated guess of 100 billion galaxies in the universe? This number is likely to increase to 200 billion as we learn more about the universe and as technology advances. You should stay here with us. Stay here with us as we uncover this mysterious universe around us. The future is scary but we are going through it together on our tiny planet Earth. By the way, the future isn't the only scary thing in the world. Honestly, everything is scary. Think about it this way: when you're in line to ride a roller coaster, you're scared. You hear people screaming, people laughing, and other people in line expressing their fear as well. When you finally get on the ride, you're still scared (yet you stayed inline). Then, while the ride is happening, you're either still scared or having the time of your life. After the ride, you either feel horrible or fucking amazing. Have you ever felt that rush after riding a roller coaster? It makes feeling the fear and doing it anyway worth it. 

This is how life is. Life is scary and always will be scary because we don't know everything. It's all about what you do to make your experience more pleasurable and less fearful (like forcing someone to ride that scary roller coaster with you). I want you to actively start looking for that pleasure. The scariest things will always be the loudest and the biggest so don't get intimidated by the big bad wolf. Don't get it twisted. If you can feel fear, you can feel love. If you can feel fear, you can feel excitement. So stay here with me. Stay here, so you can know what love feels like. Stay here, so you can feel love again. Stay here, so you can feel excited again. 

Life is about balance. Yin and Yang. What goes up, must come down. When you're happy, you won't stay happy forever. It's not about fearing that statement but accepting it. When you're sad, you won't stay sad forever. Why? Because that's how life works. That's just how it is. But you must remember, this is our planet. This is our Earth. It is not against you, it does not hate you. This is our home! Make it homey, make it amazing. What small thing can you do right now that will make your life amazing? Listen to your favorite childhood throwbacks? Re-watch your favorite movie from childhood (no sad movies allowed we're trying to help ourselves here)? Order doordash? Change the wallpaper on your device to your dream location? Light a candle? Dye your hair? What small thing can you do right now that will make you remember the good in the world? Add this book to your library ;)? Donate to charity (anything helps)? Go on Youtube and search for positivity? Watch happy puppy videos? Don't give up on the world we literally just started healing. Please be patient, we can only go one day at a time.

I have faith in humanity, I know it will get better. Don't you wanna be here when our golden age comes again? When your golden age comes? Things will get worse before they get better. Sucks, I know, but look at the history of our world. Pain, suffering, hurting others, lying, deceiving, it's a hot ass mess. Right now, we're realizing that and becoming aware which is why the world is so negative right now. We're realizing our darkness, we're realizing our problems. The first step is recognizing the issue (how can we solve an issue if we're not aware of it?).

 People around the world are standing up for what they believe in. People like me are trying to reach souls so that we can uplift them. People around the world are volunteering, donating, giving to charity, taking in homeless animals, giving money to homeless people, falling in love, creating life, changing the face of technology, following their dreams, moving to their dream cities, graduating, getting accepted into their dream colleges, etc etc. Isn't it amazing that even in a dark period like this, people still have love in their hearts? The love is out there. It exist, don't let social media fool you. Open yourself up to love the same way you open yourself up to hate, darkness, and negative energy (e.g listening to sad songs when you're sad to make yourself even sadder). If you are sick and tired chances are it's because you're seeing more negative energy than positive energy. So what do you have to do to see the love in the world? What do you have to do to get rid of that negative energy? Do whatever it takes.

You are a child of love. Destroy anything that makes you feel otherwise. Stand in your power. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself. You've been through enough pain, suffering, and sadness. Enough is enough. It's time to be happy. It's time to feel loved. It's time for your main character moment. Make it happen, it's possible.

How can you call your happiness, your dreams, your goals, etc, impossible when human beings don't even fully understand the possible or even the meaning of life? If you aren't religious, the start of this earth-- the big bang, was impossible. Yet it happened anyway. Like miss girl literally came out of nowhere and said boom I'm here bitch (and she's STILL here! Earth is 4.543 billion years old. She's old asf and people are STILL suffering...ridiculous but we're still here. We're still going). Imagine if this happened again, imagine if there was a second big bang and that Earth was right next to us. You can't tell me that's impossible because look at our universe....we can't even see the full universe! Human beings haven't even touched every planet in this solar system, who knows what other beings of life are living with us in this universe! Everything around you is a mystery but take the fear out of the unknown and you will literally be so chill for the rest of your life. 

This world literally created itself. You are a creator just like this Earth is. Everything that you see, feel, touch, taste, and smell, is a creation. YOU ARE A CREATION. You are a creator. Create the life you've always wanted. Turn the impossible into possible. Be like Earth and keep going.

If it was impossible then how could it exist? 

I love you. I love humanity. I love you.

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