the art of letting go

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 "To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own." – Jack Kornfield

"Just because something made you happy in the past doesn't mean you have to keep it forever." – Melva Green

I promise it is okay to let go.

Sometimes, what served us in the past just doesn't serve us anymore in the present or future.

Sometimes we cling to things because in the past it felt good.

But you must understand that you are not in the past anymore. Therefore you need to ask yourself, "Does this make me feel good right now?"

If what you're clinging on to is bringing more stress than happiness then maybe it's time to let it go.

I don't want to tell you how to live your life but I do need you to understand that letting go is a natural part of the human experience.

5 years from now you may have to re-evaluate your life to see what things you need to let go of.

Do not fear this natural part of life because everyone does it and we always will as long as we live on this earth.

It's impossible for something to serve you forever because we as human beings are always growing and evolving.

Some things may evolve and grow with us. In that case, it's okay to keep it around, especially if it can serve you in the present and the future AND bring you happiness. For instance, you wouldn't let go of a pet you got because animals can be with us forever. Wherever we go, they can go. And you (hopefully) knew what responsibilities you were signing up for when you decided to have an animal's life depend on yours.

On the flip side, let's say you're clinging on to an old habit that doesn't serve you. On one hand, it may bring you pleasure in the present. But then 5 hours later, it's bringing you stress and now you feel ashamed and now you're being mean to yourself probably sprawling down a self-hate hole.

Does that serve you?

Is it worth the short pleasure in the present moment if not that far later into the future it'll bring you stress, discomfort, and have you hating yourself?


The great thing about pleasure is it's abundant.

Abundant means existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

You can find pleasure anywhere and everywhere! You can find pleasure in things that will make you feel GOOD instead of spiraling into self-hate.

That's what's beautiful about letting go.

When you focus on what could fill that space instead of focusing on what you're losing then letting go becomes so much easier.

Let's say you're cutting off dead friendships. Instead of focusing on the fact that you may be lonely for a while (which is not something to fear) and you're losing friends, FOCUS on the fact that you're gaining peace. And now, you'll have the space, time, energy, and mental capacity to give yourself to other new potential friends who will pop up into your life and care about you and acknowledge your existence.

Another great thing about letting go: whatever you're letting go of, somebody has already done so.

If you're having a hard time releasing something you know isn't good for you then search for someone who has done what you are trying to do.

Whether online, in person, a YouTuber, or a parent, chances are somebody has already gone through what you're going through. This world is a huge place and the internet is even bigger! If you need help and a good role model then do something to find one!

Stop waiting for somebody to save you. The person who is reading this chapter is the person who will save you.

All you have to do is realize you can save yourself.

You had the power to get yourself here and you have the power to get yourself out.

You have the ability to walk in and walk OUT.

Do what needs to be done for YOU because you're living life in your own POV. You are with your own thoughts and feelings at the end of the day. That place should be a safe space. Do whatever needs to be done to make that possible.

I wish you the best of luck, you got this! Remember to be patient as your life can be on your OWN time schedule, not society's.

Listen to yourself, fuck everybody else.

I love you, good luck. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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