I'd love to see me from your point of view

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8:16 pm

Once you've protected your peace it will then be time to shift your perspective.

You had the balls to cut off the toxic people in your life, congrats!! Now why are you focusing on it?

When you take out the trash, you don't dwell on the fact that you've thrown that trash away, you keep it stepping and continue to throw out any trash that comes up or any trash that you may have missed. You never think about it ever again (unless you did something stupid like me and thrown away your glasses <333333 love myself sm right).

It hurts to cut off people, especially if you have a big heart but you must shift your perspective now.

Instead of focusing on that fact that you cut off that person and how much it hurts and blah blah blah, focus on the fact that YOU HAD THE BALLS TO CUT OFF THE TOXIC PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE.

Like, that's seriously some bad bitch energy right there, so focus on it! You're a bad ass and you protected yourself. You're healing yourself and being the parent you never had, that takes guts. Guts that you have. You're so fucking amazing. If you can do this, you can do anything. 

It's time to focus on that anything. 

Instead of focusing on the person you lost, focus on the person you want to want to take their place.

Focus on the fact that you did it. You protected your peace and it's only up from here. Imagine all the great people that can enter your life now because now you have space for them. Now, you have the time and energy to nurture those amazing people that will enter your life. 

A message from my higher self:

the fool upright (translation from biddytarot.com)

"The fool is a card of new beginnings, opportunity and potential. You are the outset of your journey, standing at the cliff's edge, and about to take your first step into the unknown. Even though you don't know exactly where you are going, you are being called to commit yourself and follow your heart, no matter how crazy this leap of faith might seem to you. Now is a time when you need to trust where the universe is taking you. 

As you undertake this new journey, the fool encourages you to have an open, curious mind and a sense of excitement. Throw caution to the wind and be ready to embrace the unknown, leaving behind any fear, worry, or anxiety about what may or may not happen. This is about new experiences, personal growth, development, and adventure. 

This is a time of great potential and opportunity for you right now. The world is your oyster, and anything can happen. Use your creative mind with a dash of spontaneity to make the most of this magical time and bring forth your new ideas in powerful ways.

The fool is your invitation to relax, play, and have fun. Treat life like one big experiment and feel yourself in the flow of whatever comes your way. This card asks you to embrace your beautiful, carefree spirit, allowing yourself to connect to the energy that surrounds you and flows through you. Tap into your fullest potential by stepping into a place of wonderment, curiosity, and intrigue. Laugh more, dance, and let your heart go free. 

This is an excellent card to meditate on if you are struggling with dread, worry or self-doubt in your life. The fool is your guide, as someone who is daring and carefree. He is the embodiment of who you really are - your free spirit, your inner child, and your playful soul. Any time you experience fear, remember the essence of the fool as he encourages you to acknowledge that fear and do it anyway! You never know what the future holds, but like the fool, you must step into the unknown, trusting that the Universe will catch you and escort you along the way. Take a chance and see what happens." 

Thank you so much higher self, you killed it queen, well said.

Do you think the fool is focusing on what he's lost? NO BITCH HE ISN'T.

Be grateful that you can go into this next chapter of your life with light. You've got nothing holding you back. What will you do now? Conquer the world? Go for it. Nobody can hold you back now. Nobody can fill your mind with limiting and untrue beliefs. YOU have control now. Tell your mind the things you want, you're in charge now. You run this show now. I wish you the best of luck and congratulations.

I love you.


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