its time to turn your life around

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Whenever you read this, take this as your signal to start turning your life around. Starting from the moment you finish reading this chapter, turn your life around. Little by little.

You should fight for your dreams. You should fight for the things you believe in. Fight for everything your heart desires. Who else will?

You know exactly what you want, you know exactly what will make you happy, so why do you search for happiness outside of yourself?

Don't rely on other people to make you happy, what will you do when you're alone or when that person is gone? 

Your happiness should come from you because you know what will make you happy.

Happiness is actually very easy to obtain. The challenge is how hard we will fight for and protect that happiness.

Who or what is stopping you from being happy? Eliminate them (but don't murder anyone please).

Make your dreams a priority. Put it at the top of the list, fuck what everyone else has to say.

We are living life in our own POV. Nobody else will feel the way you feel, nobody else knows your mind and darkness as much as yourself. It's not your responsibility to live somebody else's life. I don't care if your parents (or whoever) wants this and that, what do YOU want?

Have you asked yourself that? Has anyone ever asked you what you wanted? 

I'm asking. 

What do you want?

Write it down. Make it happen.

If you think it's impossible, figure out how to make it possible FOR YOU. Just because it's impossible for somebody else does not mean it's impossible for you!! As I said, we live life in our own POV. So why are you paying attention to what everyone else is doing? Will happiness come from there? 

What if you put your entire energy, heart, and soul into manifesting the things that you want?

Spoiler alert: miracles happen. 

In reality, getting the things that you want will take effort, time, energy, and maybe even tears (it's a healing experience). We are human beings, we only have so much energy. Where is your energy going? Is at least some of it going towards your dreams? If not, please fix this.

You'll notice that putting in even the smallest amount of energy into your dreams will bring you the biggest amounts of happiness. 

Take me for example, right now absolutely nobody is reading this fucking book but I believe that someday, my books will reach the right people. Some day, I will find my ideal audience that I can just hype tf up and make them feel good. The fact that there's even a small chance this could happen, makes me extremely happy. Putting energy and effort into this is so worth it because the more I try, the bigger my chances become. And I can't wait for the day to tell myself "I told you so, I told you this would happen."

 I'm not giving up on my dreams and you aren't either (that is a threat). We're in this together, no matter how hard it is to believe our dreams can come true, it can happen because I believe it can happen. At least one person in this world believes in you and all it takes is one light bulb to light up a dark room. Right now, I'm writing for thousands of beautiful people who will benefit from my messages. I will wait patiently for the universe to bring those people in alignment with me. And when you get here, I will be here, ready for you.

Show up for your dreams, so that the universe can start bringing them to you. And when it shows up, you'll be there.

I love you.

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