protect your peace please

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7:38 pm

Protect your peace as if your life depends on it. 

Protect your peace as if it was your BABY (or a baby kitten if you're a fuck them kids kind of person).

When you protect your peace, you'll notice that suddenly you have more good things in your life than bad things.

Ask yourself, who makes me feel like shit? What makes me feel like shit?

Ask yourself, what makes me feel insecure? WHO makes me feel insecure?

And then do everything you can to protect yourself from that something and/or someone. 

I protected my peace today and it was so worth it!! I had the energy to manifest my dream life, my mindset was really healthy, AND I even had the energy to write for Wattpad. It's crazy how easy your life becomes when you protect your peace. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.

But....why do I feel kind of guilty about it? 

I think it's because I have a really big heart, I wish I could make everyone happy but is it even worth it if it's not working?

You know what is worth it? Protecting my peace. I wonder how fast my manifestations will come in if I continue to do this.

Personally, I think it's worth the hurt if it's helping you.

It may hurt to cut off your friends, cut off your family, break up with your lover, move out, change schools, or whatever but it's worth it.

I think I cracked the code, if I keep going at this rate, I'll get to my manifestations in no time. 

I realize now, that I must protect my peace.

I am more important than the people I'm hurting. (that may sound harsh but I wouldn't have to hurt them if I was at peace.)

When I say hurt, I don't mean by calling them names or bullying. I mean just take your energy back. For me, I keep giving to this certain person emotionally and physically, yet the things that I do to help OUR relationship isn't doing anything. It's only hurting me. I'm the only one getting hurt by giving this person my energy. I'm the one empty at the end of the day. I don't want that anymore, so I am protecting my peace. 

So I am taking my energy back. I am going to give to myself emotionally and physically. I am going to heal the relationship with MYSELF. Because that's gonna get me somewhere. And that somewhere is gonna be great.

I recommend you do the same. 

We gotta do what we gotta do to get to our dream life. 

We gotta take out the trash. Imagine if you get to your dream life but then you have all these toxic people around you. That would literally ruin the fun. You'd want to give to the people around you yet would those people even deserve what you're giving them? When in reality, there could be a person in their spot that would give to you as much as you'd give to them. Take out the fucking trash before it starts to stink.

Take your energy back. These people may be shocked when they realize what you're doing. The people who deserve to be in your life wouldn't be taking away from your energy, they'd be cheering you on and filling you up with positivity!! That's how life is supposed to be!

We weren't put on this Earth to suffer, we were put on this Earth to be fucking great and create amazing things.

We shouldn't feel guilty either. Why should we continue to give to others when in reality all that's doing is more harm than good.

When you give to someone, they're supposed to give back as well. If you're giving somebody your love, they're supposed to give you their love. 

Sometimes the best thing we can do is just step away and heal on our own.

Protect your peace, you can never go wrong with that. 

Good luck, I love you so much.


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