Be The Boss

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The rules of your life are up to you.

You do not have to live by anybody's limiting beliefs. Not your family, your friends, or your favorite public figures. The rules of your life are up to you.

Don't let somebody else tell you that something is impossible. It may be impossible for THEM but not for YOU because the rules of your life are up to YOU. 

Therefore, everybody else's input and opinions are irrelevant. Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams and life purpose.

Live life on your own terms. Don't take anyone's shit.

When you become the boss of your own life, you'll be unstoppable. You'll be able to achieve everything you want, you'll reach heights and levels that other people won't. All because you made the rules of your own life.

This is especially important for manifestation. Don't take on anybody else's rules unless it feels good to you. Manifestation is supposed to be fun and free. If it's not pleasant for you, why? Who are you listening to? Are they inspiring you or making you fear manifestation? Be aware of the leaders you follow. Some will lead you towards the opposite direction of where you want to go.

You are not your situation. Everything is temporary. Therefore, you must make your own rules for your life. So that when you get to your dream life, you'll be able to actually enjoy it and won't be weighed down by the rules and limiting beliefs of OTHERS.

Here's an exercise for you: Write down all the limiting beliefs in your family and in your friendships and maybe even at your school. For example, a limiting belief in my family is that money doesn't grow on trees, money is the root of evil, you have to work hard to get money, etc, etc. Those things didn't come from me. I wasn't born into the world with those thoughts and therefore those thoughts and limiting beliefs are not mine. So I release them. My rules are: duh money grows on trees, money is the root of good and love and I use it to help humanity and the people around me, money comes to me extremely easily, I do less work yet receive double the amount of money. Those are my rules and so therefore I live by them and act by them. 

What are the limiting beliefs around you? Write ALL of them down. Then cross ALL of them out. THEN right next to those limiting beliefs, write down how you actually what to live and what rules you'd like to live by. If it was up to you, what beliefs would your family/friends have? Would you want your family to have a healthy relationship with money? It starts with you. So practice this exercise, review your list of rules daily. And soon, your family/friends may start living by YOUR rules when they see how good you're living. 

Angel numbers for this chapter:

* 311 - Angel number 311 is a symbol of expansion, so you can look forward to professional or personal growth when you encounter it. It means that good news is on its way, and you will soon enter a new period in life, so you should be thrilled about the changes that are in store for you in the future. -

* 1010 - Angel number 1010 is a strong message from your guardian angels that it's time for a change in your life. Perhaps you've been manifesting enlightenment, abundance, love, or a twin flame union. Expect miraculous changes ahead – your angels are with you!  -

I love you so much and I believe in you. You should believe in yourself.

Thank you for reading. 

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