III: We Are The Devils

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❝Most people spend their life trying to find someone to sleep with, instead of finding someone worth waking up to.❞

Jeremy stared at the naked girl sleeping beside him in obliviousness and wonder.

What was he thinking last night when he brought her home? The answer was, of course, nothing. He was obviously thinking nothing. He must have been drunk out of his mind to bring a girl like her inside his humble abode.

Though, he thought, she must have had as much liquor pulsing in her blood as it was in mine, what was she expecting when she saw me? This girl must have known that I'm not a commitment guy..

But still, he knew beautiful when he saw it. This girl-blonde hair and light skin-even though she could be termed 'beautiful', she was not beautiful to him. He preferred tall and curvy brunettes-even drunk he knew he never approached light haired girls. As known by everyone in school, blondes were forever ruined to him by his ex-girlfriend. Well, this was definitely something he should lay out for his friends to deal with; maybe he was finally over brown hair and innocent looking eyes.


He stopped and wondered what the color of this blonde's eyes was...Was it blue? Or brown? Maybe, jade green? Jeremy looked the long dark eyelashes clearly over-coated with mascara and messy eyeliner.

She is kind 'a gorgeous.

He shook his as if shaking the thought away.

Who cares? I'm not seeing her again anyway. He told himself.

Rolling out of bed, he quietly put on his clothes. He hoped he used protection last night, though, he was still unsure if they even had slept together. Even while taking shower, he tried hard to remember what happened the night before, but, his memory still remained blank. After approximately ten minutes, Jeremy made some toasts and poured some juice into his glass, contemplating if he should leave something for the poor girl to eat. She must have been ravenous.

After he put a plate containing two toasts and a glass of juice beside the bed on the lamp post, silently thanking the gods that he had not put an alarm, he took his essay to be due today's date and walked towards the door.

Just walk out, he told himself while tying his shoe laces. Pretend that last night never happened, that you never drove home drunk out of your mind last night, that you never saw a gullible-looking girl naked on your bed today. Pretend that you are still the innocent person that you were before. Pretend that you don't notice that nobody notices the change.. Just pretend like you do every day, he repeated bitterly.


❝ He used to be normal...Until he met those losers who he now calls his best friends. ❞

"Damn it!" Nathan cursed loudly as soon as he met his friends on the porch. "Damn this whole world and Mrs. Matthews.. I frigging hate that oldie.."

"Shut up, man.." Ethel muttered. Three pairs of eyes turned to stare at him. "I had a vodka tequila last night.. Terrible hangover.." He explained narrowing his eyes at the headlight of Jeremy's car.

"Vodka tequila?" Roy spoke up, his voice full of shock and sympathy- at first. "What were you trying to do? Conquer the world?" Sarcastic now.

"I would so like to punch you right now.. Ugh, I'm never drinking again.." Ethel grumbled.

"You always say that." Jeremy stated, even though he himself had a little headache from drinking the night before. "Let's just go to school. We're late already."

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