IV: Doubtful Devils

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❝For ever and ever, the scars will remain.❞

Roy knew that he was breaking.

After nine months of holding every shattered piece of himself together using his friend's unbreakable trust and support as his glue, he was finally breaking. Breaking to pieces. Pieces he knew he would not be able to recollect. Recollect, no matter how hard he tried. He knew it. He knew that this moment was coming. He'd even had nightmares about this second, anticipating it, waiting for the trepidation to sink its deathly teeth into him and cause him unbearable pain. Pain that would make him bleed. Bleed his heart out. Bleed to death.

He knew he would be alone when this happened. That this moment would haunt him when he would have no one around to lend him a hand.

His head pounded louder than before.

People can bleed inside.. where you cannot see.

His sister's final words rang in his ears.

But no matter how hard you bleed, the world doesn't stop for your grief.

Roy put his forehead on the cold metal table as if it would numb his thoughts.

I loved him.. I loved him, Jay, and he still hurt me. He's always hurting me. Why? Why me? Why not her? Not someone else? Why does it always have to be me? Am I not enough? Have I not given him enou-

Roy threw both of his hands on his head and put him palms on his temple.. pushing.. pushing the pain away. Stop, God. Stop, please. Please. It's too much.. I can't.. do this..


❝Friendship is not about people who act true to your face. It's about people who remain true behind your back ❞

Jeremy kissed the girl just below her throat just as she let out a string of strangled moans.

Project partner? Please. He thought as he sucked long and hard on the pulse point under the delicately built jaw. His hands groped the brunette's well-rounded bust as his chest slammed with an irregular beat almost matching the girl's racing one.

The janitor's closet was not a good place to screw a girl. But this girl was absolutely worth it. Foul-mouthed, statuesque, extremely hot and long brown hair.

His type.

No. I'm not over brunettes. Nor will I ever be. He thought as he stared at the bare back of the girl as she kneeled down on all her fours.

Tring-Tring. Tring-Tring.

"Ugh-" He grunted as he reached for his phone.

"Just leave it.." The exquisite lady beneath him whispered huskily, even though her eyes clearly gave away that she was irritated by the interruption.

Just shut up. He thought grimly.

It was a text message. He frowned. Not many people texted him. He was the phone call kind of guy.

Still working on the brunette's body with one hand, he looked opened the message with another one.

Nate: It's Roy. Daniel John is here. Roy nearly punched me in the hall. Looked pissed. First stop - Trig. Second stop - Canteen. You know where if he's not in one of these places. Text if you find him. Tell Ethel. Hurry.

Above the girl's about-to-come nakedness, Jeremy froze.

Daniel John.

Even the name made him furious. His body trembled with anger.

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