Sorry, Not an actual chapter qwq

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This is just some kinda important stuff depending on the section your looking at, anyway here you go!


I will have a warning because i want this story to have +{angst}+  but here is what the warnings will most likely be-



Child Abuse

Self Harm

Sucidal Thoughts {possibly attempts i havent decided}

NSFW will most likely be makeouts.. {get your hopes up bish}

Casual Good-To-Knows that most stories have-


(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Your Hair Color

(E/C): Your Eye Color

(H/L): Your Hair Length

(F/C): Your Favorite Color

Your Mom

(Y/M): Your Moms Name

(M/E/C): Your Moms Eye Color

Your Dad

(Y/D): Your Dads Name

(D/E/C): Your Dads Eye Color

Context for the story-

You live, and had grown up in the magical land of Encanto. You are best friends with a specific Shape-Shifting Madrigal with the name of Camilo. He is very Sweet to you and would protect you with his life. Little does he know you have a secret little gift that can protect both of you. Your parents however never let you use your gift because Alma Madrigal (Abuela) asked them to keep it a secret and that she will announce it to the town when she believes it is time, because of the fact you are not a marigal.. {yEt}. You, just like the madrigal children you are afraid of Alma, you feel like you need to make her proud of you because of your gift even if you cant use it. You are friends with Mirabel and feel bad because you believe you may have stolen her gift since you got your gift the night she failed to get hers. Camilo flirts with you a lot but you are both painfully oblivious to the others feelings, Mirabel and Dolores know of you guys having a crush on eachother but Dolores won't tell you because she wants you to find out yourself. Antonio tries to get you to tell eachother {the rats told him everything}. Aside from your happy appearance you are actually very depressed and are abused by your parents, they do this because of you having a gift. Dolores does know she hasn't told anyone because she doesn't want to betray your trust. Instead she wants you to tell people yourself. Dolores however doesn't know that you commit self harm because you wait until very very late at night, like 4:21 am. {maybe this will change?}.

Some Little headcanons i will include-

i have made Y/N shorter than Camilo for reasons UvU. Y/N and Camilo are both 15. Mirabel likes to sew together matching outfits for Y/N and Camilo {Y/N gets a dress that matches a Ruana made for Camilo!} Camilo will give Y/N one of his Ruanas at random or when shes cold. He also is a sweet boy that will share his Arepa's with you {so sweet of him right?} If he makes you upset he will just hug you from behind and tickle you until (is it your or you're? OwO') happy again! Camilo loves cuddling you but for some reason he always ends up laying overtop of you while you play with his beautiful brown curly hair (lucky.. wait i can write what i want HAH im in control bish). You wear long sleeves, Camilo never really questions it.. until 

(no thats for the story, wait patiently child... am i talking to me, you, or both o-o)

Uhhh thats kind of.. all i can think of so i hope you can remember.. like.. any of this qwq i hope you guys end up liking the story when i actually publish (i will post a chapter atleast once a week unless i get grounded or just like cant use my pc o-o) gosh this was long- bye guys -w-

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