28. Dove And The Time Lost

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DOVE KNOCKS ON ROSE'S DOOR BEFORE OPENING IT. The girl stares at her as she comes into the room, and Dove walks until she faces her, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"I'm Dove. Tennant," she says, introducing herself. "I helped Dick get you here. Kind of saved your bacon."

Rose stares at her for a few seconds, half-turned to her, before nodding. "Mm-kay. Thanks, I guess. I'm Rose."

Dove steps forward. "Yeah, I know. Rose Wilson. Did you plan on telling us?"

Rose narrows her eyes at her. "About what?"

"About daddy-o."

She fully faces her, looking incredibly tired. "Telling people who my father is usually doesn't end well. Daddy's not well-liked."

A muscle twitches in Dove's jaw, and she crosses her arms on her chest, irritated. "No, it doesn't feel like he is. What's he doing in San Francisco? I'm guessing it's not for a family reunion, is it?"

Rose laughs sardonically. "We didn't do a lot of catching up."

"Hmm. Let me guess. Something went wrong? You guys had a falling out?"

"More like a family spat. Nothing a team of army psychologists couldn't mediate... or medicate."

A smile tugs Dove's lips upwards. "I wouldn't underestimate therapy. What did he do?"

Rose stops the act abruptly. "He killed my brother." Dove's shoulders fall as compassion overcomes her. She purses her lips, and goes to sit next to Rose. "Said big brother fell in with the wrong crowd."

"When did this happen?" Dove asks softly.

"Four or so years ago."

She nods. "And what made you go after him now?"

"I heard he was back in town, so I went to take care of my business."

Dove sighs. "Doesn't look like that worked out for you."

Rose stares at her with her only eye. "I still have one good eye left. He'd be dead already if you hadn't dragged me up here."

Dove scoffs. "Yeah, we'll just let you die in the gutter next time."

Rose shakes her head, sighing. "Who are the new people? I heard voices."

The detective snorts. "Yeah, Hank tends to scream at everything that moves. They're friends."

"Are these friends you let out or ones you make stay here?"

Dove arches an eyebrow. "Friends we call for help. You know, that thing you do when you don't want to die?" She gets the eye-patch Dick had handed her silently, and throws it at Rose after standing up. "Here, take that. Chicks and dudes dig the pirate look." Rose sends her a dubious look. "Pleased to meet you Rose!"

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