Chapter Four

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Egon's eyes were locked onto my necklace and I had a sudden overprotective urge come over me. My hand instantly went to the vial and palmed it. "My roommate gave it to me last night."

"Where is your roommate?" Egon asked as he stood up from the desk.

"She's at the hospital with her mom, but she won't be back for a day or so."

"You shouldn't be wearing that necklace. If that pink substance in the vial is what I think it is, it could be dangerous for you to even be near it." I thought Egon was blowing it out of proportion, as if the necklace was concentrated evil.

"It's just a necklace Egon, besides why would anyone else have ectoplasm?"

"Not ectoplasm, Psychomagnotheric slime."


"Psychomagnotheric slime, or mood slime. It can severely alter someone's mood. Dr. Stantz, Winston and I got covered in it once and we nearly killed each other. We had to get out of our slime covered clothes just to feel better."

"Either way, I highly doubt that it's that, Egon. It's just a necklace."

"Did your roommate tell you who she got it from?"

"She just said that some stoner goth chick sold it to her here on campus." I paused and watched Egon as he grabbed his coat and motioned me to follow him. I rushed over to my bag and slung it over my shoulder, grabbed my coffe and chased after Egon, trying my best to keep up with his long-legged strides. "Egon, where are we going?"

"Field trip."

"But there are no field trips in college."

"Field study, keep up Miss Terres." As Egon and I rushed towards the parking lot, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. I couldn't hear who he was on the phone with, but he was frantic as he told the person he needed his help analyzing the substance. My heart began to race at the thought of him or anyone else putting their hands on my necklace. "Lori?"

"Huh?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Egon, who was off the phone and holding the car door open for me.

"I said I need you to go with me so we can run some tests." I grabbed the necklace and looked at it. The pink substance stood still with every movement.

"I, uh...."

"Lori, I wouldn't request this if it wasn't necessary."

"Y-You won't damage it, will you?"

"I'll be very delicate." Reluctantly, I nodded and climbed into the beat up station wagon. Egon climbed in on the other side and sped off towards downtown Manhattan. We eventually arrived at a tall building on the corner of Varick and Moore, Ghostbusters Headquarters, as Egon called it. Egon parked the car outside and led me inside, instructing me to take a seat on the couch in front of him.

After explaining that he was waiting for his colleague to arrive, we continued on with the day's lesson. Telling me that ectoplasm has no affect on people, that ghosts leave it behind when coming into contact with physical things, and that it is made out of cytoplasm. Much to my protest, Egon issued homework again, but this time it was a research assignment on ectoplasm. Another night of copying from the text book.

"What about my other classes?" I asked.

"I took care of it," Egon informed. "I let them know that you're out doing some field work and they have emailed you the assignments."

"Thanks." The room fell silent.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just thinking."

Ghostbusters: The Return of Gozer (EDITING IN PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now