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Cody: Anyway, have you seen the new girl.

Joesph: Yeah dude! She's totally BANGIN'!

Cody: Yeah! I'm gay and even I think she is hot!

Junior: Really? Wow. She really must be hot.

Joesph: Yeah, dude? Do you think I should ask her out? 

Junior: I don't know bro, maybe.

Jeffy interjected himself into the conversation

Jeffy: Hey guys! Have you heard about the teacher? I heard he is a freaky freak!

Junior: Yeah, he reminds me of him.

Cody: Yeah

(AN: In this AU it was Junior who was molested by Mr. Winkle)

Joesph: I almost forgot about him.

Junior: Yeah, I just hope he isn't the teacher.

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