Episode 390

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I woke up and went to the kitchen, I saw Chef Pee Pee cooking breakfast.

I knew what he was cooking, BURNT MAC 'N' CHEESE.

My favorite!

I called Joesph and Cody over to have breakfast because it was their favorite too.

When I called Joesph, it sounded like he was panicking.

"Sorry dude, can't talk right now!"

"Where are you?!" I yelled to Joesph

"Sorry dude! It's Bully Bill, he's chasing me!"

"What! Where?!"

Junior swiped the car keys from the counter, and busted out the door, phone still in hand

"Uh, m-me and Cody are just passing the school!"

"I'll be there!"

But you're suspended, and can't go near the school for several days, after you almost killed Winkle!"

"A-Almost?" he whispered.

"Y-Yeah, he barely survived you stabbing him 28 times on the first day of school."

"They counted all those stab wounds? A-Anyways, do they know he molested me? "

"Y-Yeah, and he was sent to prison. He should be locked away for good on the 19th."

Jr decided to switch the subject before he let rage get the better of him.

"So Bully Bill thinks he can just bully you when I'm not there?"

"I don't know dude! I accidentally bumped into him while playing basketball, and he just started picking a fight with me!"

"I'll be there soon, just hang on! Get to the parking lot!"



Jr smashed his hand on the dashboard and went pedal to the metal

Junior's tires squealed and peeled against the asphalt.

Jr huffed and puffed, as he took turn after turn, he hadn't used this car in a while, and it was pretty new, so he didn't really know how to control it.

Jr got a text from Joesph. Jr stopped for a second, and decided to check his phone, and he read it.

(' ' is thinking, / / is text, and " " is talking/talking over the phone.)

/ DUDE! Bully has a switchblade and is threatening Penelope! /






'OH MY GOD!' I thought.

Jr got angrier and angrier by the second.

Jr thought it was no use, but by the time he was just about to give up on reaching it to the school, he saw Bill holding a knife and pointing it towards Penelope and his friends.

Junior had enough of Bill's shit, and plowed through him with the car, absolutely wrecking it against the guardrail.

"JESUS CHRIST" Penelope, Cody, and Joesph all said in unison.

Junior got out of the car, with blood dripping from his head and mouth, and slowly limped his way over to Bully Bill.

Junior sat atop Bill, and cracked (his) knuckles, he was going to enjoy this.

JUNIOR!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang