Episode 218

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Junior was walking out of the medical ward, he called Chef Pee Pee to come pick him up. He wanted to go home and get some rest. His body was still aching from the pain, though he had been shot before, by the chef himself. Considering how large the bullets were, his body's feeling was justified.

He had stayed radio silent with his friends for a few months, resting was top priority. He had to get home, text his friends, and maybe spend some time with them. After all this, he deserved it.

The drive back to his house was pleasant. It felt like ages since he came here last. He walked into his room, the same old room as always. The room that brought him comfort when he needed it.

His eyes fell on a picture frame sitting in front of his bed. It was one of him and his friends with Joe Biden, playing baseball. They were smiling at each other, enjoying their time together.

Joe Biden used to be the vice president, but now he president, so he couldn't visit anymore. Junior remembered Joe coming over once to congratulate Junior for hitting a homerun.

Junior picked up the painting.

"So you can hit the ball home run, huh? I suppose you're good at everything else too."

It felt like he had just heard those words yesterday. Joe seemed like a really nice person, he remembered leaving feeling happy and having fun.

Junior put the painting back on the wall, a tear welling up in his eye, it had been what seemed like forever ago. He missed his friends, he missed playing with them. He looked at the painting again, remembering the game. He wondered if they ever got tired of playing baseball.

'Hey, I'll see you guys soon!' Junior thought

He turned on his phone, he wanted to check on his friend's status. There were so many messages, he didn't know where to start. He checked his friend's personal message first.

-Are you okay Junior??

-Yeah, we miss you!

-You better come back soon!

They all sounded pretty enthusiastic. He read through them, there was even one from an unknown number.

-Guys, I'm fine. Just resting. I've left the military.

It took a while for them to see the message and who it was from, but they would inevitably see it.

-The hot piece of ass is back!


Junior and Joesph both messaged to Cody at the same time. Then Junior sent another message to his friends.

-I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond. I will explain later. I still need some rest after all that's happened Call to you guys later?

Junior sat down on his bed, thinking about everything that happened. He had been working hard for the past few years, A lot had happened to him. He realized he hadn't had any time to relax or enjoy life.

Junior got up from his bed, deciding he needed something to drink. Maybe he could grab a couple root beers and party!

After grabbing two cases, he headed to the living room, and sat down on the couch. Popping open bottle after bottle, cap after cap, Junior was finally feeling the buzz.

Junior looked to the remote, and decided to put something on to soothe his ringing ears.

Junior flipped through the guide, before resting on that one show his father always watched...

Charleyyy and friends

He never cared for Junior, only for that syupid show that no one even watched, so why should he be thinking about him now that it was all over?

Junior was feeling worse and worse, he just wanted to fall asleep and forget about whatever he was thinking about, he could barely even tell now that the 'alcohol' was setting in. Junior slowly drifted in and out of consciousness, before finally falling asleep to the laughs and chuckles of Charleyyy and his friends, almost mocking him for how little his father cared for him, and just how much he'd rather love Charleyyy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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