Winning Smile (Pt2)

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The morning of the day for the bet, you want to make sure you're ready for a full day of Camilo's jokes and shapeshifting, plus lots of rushing around, so you get a few extra things to eat, and plenty of water.

Then you head out, thinking about how weird it is to have plans to spend an entire day with a Madrigal after hardly speaking to the family before.

Once you've made your way to the bench and start looking around, you don't see Camilo, even though you're right on time.

Of course, you could have been staring right at him and wouldn't know, but you at least see his sister, so you could ask her about him.

She was standing close to the bench, so maybe he was late and asked her to relay a message?

You do wonder if it's him, but Dolores wouldn't be a good way to hide, she's probably asked for something as much as Camilo.

You walk quietly over and try not to be loud.

"Excuse me, Dolores, have you seen Camilo? I'm supposed to meet him here." You ask quietly.

"Ha! It is I!" Dolores says, much to loud for it to be her, then shifts into Camilo.

"And that was nice of you to talk so quietly for her." He says, happy someone was being thoughtful of his sister.

"Doesn't everybody do that?"

"Not really. They night be a little quieter than normal, but I almost couldn't hear you!"

"So if you shift into your family you don't get their Gifts?"

"Oh no. I do get stronger if I turn into Luisa though, just not as insanely strong."

"Huh. So why were you Dolores, if you weren't trying to hear anything?"

"Mostly I did it for seconds earlier, but I also thought I could trick you."

"And why ever would you do that?" You tease, starting towards the market.

"Well it's never too early to start smiling!"

"It is when Julieta's food is on the line."

"True." He mutters, then grabs your hand and starts swinging your arms.

"What are you doing?"

"How else can we stay together?" He asks innocently.

You playfully roll your eyes at him, but don't pull your hand away.

"What do we do first? I usually just wander around, in case anyone needs something."

"I do the same thing, pretty much. We can just go into the market?"

"Sounds good, Hermosa!"

But before you can get that far, someone asks for Camilo to turn into someone tall so he can reach a jar on a high shelf.

He does as asked, performing a dramatic spin as he shifts.

"Thank you!" The person says, and Camilo nods and catches up with you, already walking toward the first stall you usually go to.

"Trying to hide so I can't see your smile?" He asks, peering at your face.

"What smile?" You deadpan.

"The one you're hiding."

"How can I hide something that isn't there?"

Before he can think of a comeback, you're greeted by the shopkeeper.

"Y/n! Camilo! You two will be perfect!"

"For what?" You ask, usually you're never given a job that would require someone else.

Multifandom Oneshots And Short Stories!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon