8. Little Girl - Horror

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Little Girl (c) xiuminology

There was a man who lived near the woods. His wife and his children died in a massacre for already 3 years and he was only living alone. He once lost his way home but he found this house where he is living now. As the man grew older, he still haven't opened 'that room' ever since he lived that house. He was creeped every time he hears voices inside and weird noises as if wanting to go out. Thinking it might be a monster, he refused to open the door of the room and preferred to just go in the rooms he thought were 'safe.' He thought the voices inside 'that room' would stop someday but eventually the noises inside it become louder and louder. He can't resist the urge so he decided to peek in the small hole leading inside the room. He only found a dirty, smoky, and dusty place where the things can no longer be recognized unless you remove the dust/dirt. He was relieved. He thought that the noises were made by the rats and cockroaches inside. But to be sure, he placed a little camera just fit in the hole to record everything inside that he didn't see.

The recordings of the small camera were connected in his computer. He watched the video recorded by it in the morning and he noticed something moving inside the cabinet. He tried to record a video at night and he was frightened in the thing he saw. There was a little girl who came out of the cabinet. He looked closely and she has no eyes and a bleeding mouth. He can't believe on what he was seeing. The girl played around the room and then suddenly, bangs the door with her small hands that seemed to not washed for years. He was scared of it that he didn't even tried to record a video again. He decided to leave that house but he didn't take the small camera and its recording with him. He had no one to tell everything he discovered so he just placed the small camera in the hole again for the people who will live in the house in the future, and also to warn them because he had no neighbors. He had no idea if the girl was a ghost or a cannibal.

Before leaving, he checked if the monitor still records everything the camera does. He was shocked when he noticed that the camera is only recording something black, but suddenly it moved. His body was filled with fear. The camera is no longer in the hole! But where is it?

He checked the CCTV and he noticed the door leading to 'that room' was open. His eyes went big. He looked at the kitchen area and there is the little girl! Holding the camera with her!

He didn't know what to do. The girl is walking towards a room.

And that room is where he is now.

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