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Bakugo's POV 

         I wake up. HAH never done that before! I woke up mostly because of Hag and the weakling mom married and fucked were arguing. 

        They get way to annoying, I wish I could just shut them up, but I can't because of the contract I did with My "dad". What contract you ask? None. He just told me not to get in between Hag and him while they're fighting. 

          I had no problem with it until I was in Middle school and I had a bunch of sidekicks hanging out with me, and we started stay out late. Yeah. That didn't sit well with Hag. 

         I do my daily routine, I shower, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth then head out the door. I don't care much for food in the morning but this time I'm really hungry since I didn't eat last night because Hag didn't let me in the kitchen due to what happened last time.

         I run to a Maid café and get a to go order of a blueberry muffin and coffee. A lot of men in there we looking up the woman's skirt which made me want to kill myself. 

          One of the men were getting handsy with one of the maids. I rush over an grab his hand. "HEY GET YOUR DIRTY TEENAGER HANDS OFF ME!!" I look at him disgusted and ignore his command, "Getting horny this early in the morning. tch, go jerk yourself off instead of trying to get with younger woman, got it?" He stares at me and I stare back. I look away and check if the maid girl was ok. She was, but she still looked terrified.

           I looked back at the man who was looking at another maids boobs. I bend his wrist backwards making his look back in pain. I get close to his face with disgusted eyes, he spits on me. I bend his wrist more making him yelp in pain. I know most of the guys were watching me, it was exactly what I wanted them to do. Yes! Look at me in fear of disrespecting a woman! 

         "You people disgust me with your eyes and thoughts." I bend his wrist back more making it break. He screams with pain in his eyes. I come in here quite often so the workers aren't surprised, what they are surprised at is how I didn't break his wrist in a second. I hear my order, I pay the amount plus a 10% tip and leave with my order. 

          I walk instead of run to school, mostly because I'm eating and drinking while I walk. 

           I finish my coffee and muffin and throw away the remains.

           Running to school I hold on to my back pack looking out for where I'm going.

           I finally reach school and walk to the entrance, I see Deku otherwise known as Izuku Midoriya. 

           I walk past him pushing his shoulder saying "Your in my way extra." I walk a little way before I hear Deku say "Look who's talking". I stop in my tracks and hear total silence, I turn around and look at Deku. "What did you say?". He replied back with a "You heard me". I got so pissed but at the same time I experience self doubt, also proud of Deku having an actual good come back. 

           I drop my bookbag and walk to him. I grab his shirt and bring him to my face. "Your getting way to Cocky.". He smirked at the saying of the sentence, knowing he won this battle I drop him and walk away, grabbing my bookbag on the way.

           It seemed like Deku was following me but I know its because we have the same class. 

           We reach homeroom and everyone is talking including me. Who may you ask? Dunce Face and Shitty hair. We hear the bell ring and I walk to the first open seat I see and sit down in it not noticing that Deku sat behind me. God Dammit.

                                          ~After Class~

            The bell rings and I sneak out of class before anyone could notice heading to second period. 

          Then Deku walks in, Deku glances around before looking at me, of course I look back, to show I'm not afraid of him of course. 

          I hear Deku whisper "Shit" Under his breath. "Shit indeed" Get up from my chair and walk over to him. 

          I Glare at him and he glares back. "Your getting real cocky ever since this morning, so what the hell is wrong?!" I said sternly "I'm haven't been cocky... its just i don't like being talked down to like I'm your Butler!" He stands higher than me.

          Students flood in the room, making Deku fall on top of me. I think Deku got the worst since he was on top. 

         He spring's up as soon as students stop flooding in. I lay there for a few second after Deku gets up, probably because I'm still in shocked. I get up and walk to the seat next to Deku and put my head down from my headache. This week is all my week combined. Pure hell.

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