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Hi! Sorry I haven't continued this. I have drama club and stuff so I've been busy.. ALOT. ~Your Parent.



             My feet stay stuck onto the wall as I breath harshly from the adrenaline. I try to raise the top of my body up but my abdomen wasn' t strong enough. I lay hanging there with my eyes closed and my head back. "Will I ever get down or is this permanent," I complain to myself. I hear something rustle on the building next to the one I am on. I open my eyes and squint to see who or what was over there. "Hello?" I ask. No answer. I sigh, "Who am I kidding, this is a god damn city. With birds." I say as if I was crazy.  

              I hear another rustle of the roof top of the building. "OH CMON! Just fly away or something!" I yell. Nothing happens. I feel the moister of my breathing cover up my mask, blurring up my vision. "How rude coming from someone who is hanging upside down off a building." I hear from where the rustling was.

               "Hey! You're not a bird!" I say. "Yeah and if I was one I would be pretty damn big" The rumbly voice says. The atmosphere stays silent for awhile, only the sirens of the police and fire department played. I feel the blood slowly go to my head. "Hey.. Man, can you do me a quick favor?" I ask, faintly. Silence. I don't care if he isn't there anymore. Even if he was, he wouldn't be able to help me. My mask slowly slips off some, but I feel a hand grab my lower waist. The hand pulls up the top half of my body up to where I could grip onto the wall again. 

                 My head throbs from the amount of blood that is rushing back to the bottom half. I breathe fast. Who? How? How did this thing get up to where I was in less that 2 minutes?!

                 My head stops throbbing as I look up at the thing that had saved me from fainting. "Red" I said, out of context. "Hm?" The savior said. "You have a Red suit." I say, pointing out the obvious. "Yeah, I get that a lot. Names Deadpool, you?" The red person asks. " I look down at the ground, miles away. "Iz-", "Not that one" He interrupted. "What? A super hero name?" I rolled my eyes, continuing, "I'm a dude just trying to find out whats wrong with me." "I do that most every other day!" Deadpool exclaims, I look up at him, the mask, covering my expression of 'not impressed ' I sigh and ignore him, continuing to go to my destination, him following me. I reach the floor and crawl up, rushing over to the spider that had bit me. I had been removed from the container and there was a sticky note on it saying; 'FAILED'. How could it fail? It worked on me.. I think. I then heard security rushing up the stairs, outside of the door. "Cya, kid!" I head deadpool say as he jumped to the building that he was just on. "Coward" I mumbled under my breath, I looked around for a way to escape other than me plummeting to my death. I look at the bottom of the building where my body could be. I took deep breaths, each getting faster each time, building my momentum.

       I jump to the next building and reach for the ledge, my finger skins the ledge I start to fall but feel a hand grab me. I look up and see the same guy, he was still here! "You owe me big time 3D man," He told me. "What type of name is that." I say, slightly out of breath. He sighed and shook his head, pulling me up the building. "So are you a vigilante or something?" I asked him, he shook his head in shock. "Vigilante? No, no. I'm a mercenary, vigilante-ing isn't my thing-" He was interrupted by a bullet piercing his chest. I stared at the small hole in shock. "God Dammit!" He yelled, he took out the gun in his back pocket and started shooting at the building. I stood in shock while he ran away. All the bullets missed me, why? "Hey!" He waved his hand infront of my face and and snapped me out of my trans. "This is the part where we would run off into the sunset 'sweet baby munchkins'" He imitated a 'cute' voice, making me snort.
         I cleared my throat and followed him to the next building. I stood at the ledge of the other building. The bullets almost skinned me. He turned to me and waited. "You got the webs?" He asked. "The what?!" I shouted at him. "The webs! Y'know.." he started to a Rockstar hand motion and pushing his wrist out. "That's Hella goofy.." I mumbled to my self. I sighed and tried the hand motion, I was going to prove that it didn't work but a web shot out from the veins of my wrists and to the ledge of building he was on. I heard a 'holy shit!' come from guy. The web pulled me forward slamming me into the wall of the building. The guy in the suit grabbed the web and started to pull me up. I had my eyes shut tight as I slid on the concrete roof, my mask was shoved up a little. He lifted me onto my feet and saw a little bit of my neck and jawline.

        He slid my mask back down and dusted it off. I saw a little bit of his skin where his mask was slightly torn. A strange of his hair peeked out. He saw me looking and cleared his throat. "Can't have you falling in love with me now." He teased. "Like anyone would fall in love with a man that dresses as a panda that looks like it was in a murder scene." I said, making my point. He laughed, I heard how raspy his voice was. A bit of youth in his voice. Surely he was older than me. "So, here's my number." "Why would I need your number?" "I give all the women my number," "It still doesn't make since.." "Your the first guy I gave my number." He wink under his mask and ran kd the building landed on a car. I stare at the paper and take out my phone. I put in his phone number and call it. The sound of the phone ring stops and I hear breathing. "Miss me that bad?" He asked. "Favor." "What?" He asked. "Get me down this building." I heard a muffled laugh and heavy breathing. The sound of laughing and breathing stopped and the sound of something closing came across the speaker. I put my phone away and watched a grapple attach to the ledge and a man be pull up. "You want my to carry you bridal style and run off into the sunset or something?" He asks, slowly walking towards me. "You recommended it" I said. He bends down and put his hands, cupped, on his back. I stared at him in confusion. "Um.. What are you doing?" "I'm going to carry you." I shrugged and got on his back, free piggy back ride I guess.

           He jumps down the building in some sort of hero pose. "Ah.. Always gets the knees" He groans. I see a man com towards us and pull out a knife. "One of your buddies?" I asked. He looks up and gets socked in the jaw, throwing me back onto the hard concrete. The man in the mask started to Crack some jokes like, "is the world suddenly revolving around 'rock'm sock'm?', now?" or "And I was starting to rethink my life path of killing people.." then they stared suddenly fighting. I watched them in horror. Sure, I've seen some gruesome movies and all that jazz but never have I ever seen people start fighting out of no where..

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