Early Life, pt.3

452 11 3

"": Speech

'': Thoughts

~~: Sound Effects

##: Change in POV, Location or Time

#Yang's POV, 3 weeks later#=========================================================

Dad is still locked in his room. The only time he ever leaves is to make sure we're all well fed, to send us to school and to occasionally go to work. Mom's death was extra hard on him, and while it was hard on all of us, I'd just found out why from the only time Dad had spoken to us since.

Four years ago, me and Yin had a different mom, one we never knew about. But, the other thing I found out was that she was still alive, just living somewhere else. I had to find her, because Dad won't and Yin doesn't know. I would have told him, but I knew he'd try to stop me. Maybe he'd be different if he knew our first mom.

I don't know where she is right now, but the location on this photo I've found must have some clues. Either way, Ruby wanted to come with me, so I'll take her with me. We'll both find my mom, and bring her back home.

I started packing my bag, I packed water, food, the photo and a map. That was all we needed, because the location wasn't that far, we'd reach it by tomorrow. I looked out of the window and saw it was getting dark. I'll wait until Dad goes to sleep before we head out.

#Yin's POV, an hour later#===========================================================

I sighed as I heard the front door open and shut, the squeaking of what sounded like a wheelbarrow moving off into the distance. Yang was the worst at keeping secrets from anyone, especially me. Perhaps you could call it brotherly love that I made sure I knew where she was going. Maybe I did somewhat care about her but going out at a time like this without father was suicide. Especially when, considering what she packed, she was preparing to travel further than a couple of kilometres.

It didn't matter why she was going out. Perhaps she was looking for mother like father failed to do, but it didn't matter. Mother was dead and I had come to accept it, even if the rest of my family couldn't. If Yang wanted to put her life in danger out of her own foolishness, I was completely fine with that. There was a limit to how much favour 'brotherly love' could grant her from me.

Although, it did irritate me somewhat that I didn't know why she had this renewed zeal in looking for mother. She seemed to be recovering somewhat over the news I had delivered a few weeks ago, so there must have been a catalyst to trigger such enthusiasm. Perhaps there was an answer for this in her room.

I walked down the hall and into her room. It seemed to look as usual as it could. Yang was hardly a usual sister. However, there was one thing that I noticed upon shutting the door behind me.

The silence. Yang now shared a room with Ruby, and while Ruby was hardly as loud of a sleeper as Yang was, I still should have been able to hear her. It was only after I approached Ruby's bed that it hit me. Yang had taken Ruby with her. Looking at the bed-side table next to Yang's bed, I noticed quickly that there was an empty photo frame. I knew it previously contained a photograph, a photograph I was very familiar with.

I sighed as I realised I would have to do something now. I was fine with Yang putting her own life in danger, but I couldn't stand when someone's weakness could result in someone else's death. It would have to be me to go after them too. Father was useless right now, and I didn't necessarily have to fight anything if I managed to reach them in time. Luckily for them, I had discovered that I had the ability to almost feel the presence of my family. All except mother, which had become an infuriating fact after her disappearance, but nonetheless was useful now.

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