Chapter 5

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Percy's words lingered in Annabeth's mind, no matter how hard she tried to forget them.

He's messing around, she reminded herself. It's a game he plays with every girl. Still, there was a part of her mind that questioned, what if you need that right now? A little moment of recklessness, some time to find yourself? What if Percy is the answer to solving your heartbreak?

She shook her head. Percy was not the answer, unless she wanted her solution to be self-destruction. She was just upset because of Luke, that's all. It was clouding her judgement, but she'd be back to normal soon.


She did not get back to normal soon.

"This is humiliating," Annabeth said, lying her head on her friend. It was their shared study hall, so the pair had gone to the bathroom together to get some time to discuss the issue at hand in peace. Reyna pursed her lips, shaking her head at the blonde.

"Never thought you'd be a sucker for Jackson, that's for sure," she said. "But hey, maybe this'll be a good thing. As long as you don't catch feelings, it could be fun."

Annabeth lifted her head, giving her friend a crazed look. "Are you insane?" she asked. "I could never like him like that. He has girls crying every other week." Reyna smiled.

"Then what's the issue? Luke was an asshole, and he needs to be out of your mind ASAP. You know how Percy is, it's not like you'll be falling for it."

Annabeth considered this. Maybe her friend was right. Maybe, and it pained her to think this, but maybe Percy was right. She needed to move on, and if he was offering to help her out with no feelings attached, what could go wrong?

So that's how she ended up trudging to his car after school, shame written all over her face as she contemplated her life choices. I should turn back, she thought. I should run away. Nothing good can come out of this. I'm stupid. This was the worst decision ever. That's it. I'm going home, right-



So much for running away. Percy was leaning against his car, his phone in his hand. He was clad in jeans and a hoodie, courtesy of the highschool's basketball team. He smiled hesitantly, eyeing Annabeth with wonder as he placed his phone in his back pocket.

"Hi," she said shyly. "I was looking for you."

"And you've found me," he said, his lips spreading wider. "What's up? Ready to take me up on my offer?"

She stared at her shoes. They were pretty, and much easier to face than Percy's cocky gaze. "Yeah, actually."

He stood up straight, his face feigning shock. "Wait, what?"

"I'm taking you up on your offer," she repeated, finally meeting his eyes. "Or were you just joking earlier when you said that?"

Percy's eyebrows furrowed as he hurriedly said, "No, no I was serious. I'm just...surprised, I guess. I thought you hated me."

She smiled. "I think I might," she said honestly. "But I'm up for some fun, as promised." Percy narrowed his eyes in question.

"I can't tell if you're joking."

"I'm not," she said, her face growing red. "I need to get over Luke, and I hear that you're the person for that."

He scoffed, a wicked grin on his lips. "Alright, Chase. I've got you. You know the rules; no commitment, no real feelings, just fun."

She nodded. "And that's exactly why I'm here. I don't want a boyfriend, but I'm thinking that maybe you'll have some trouble keeping your promises."

Percy smirked. "Is that a challenge?"

"Just a thought. I never said I'd make this easy on you."

He laughed, then after a few moments, opened his passenger car door. "After you, Princess." Annabeth rolled her eyes and climbed into the car. When he shut the door, she caught the glimpse of a reluctant blue-eyed gaze, eyes wide in shock. The sandy blonde hair and look of remorse only added to her conclusion.

She watched as Luke stared at her in Percy's car, and then as his gaze followed Percy until both teens were situated inside. He looked at Annabeth with confusion written all over his face, but the thing that really made her glad was the look of betrayal she noticed.

Good, she thought to herself. Rot in it.

"It's a good time," Percy said, careful not to look at Luke. "He always passes by around now. We can do the same tomorrow."

Annabeth smiled at him, faking a gaze of admiration. Or maybe it was real, because Percy looked better than usual when he was being a strategic genius. "Perfect." 

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