Chapter 12

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A week later, Annabeth and Luke were officially back together. She still saw Percy in the hall at times, but he would avoid her at all costs.

It made her sad, and although a part of her understood, she convinced herself that she had the right to be angry. She valued Percy's friendship, and it seemed as if that was off the table once she was in a relationship.

Luke was always around her now, so Annabeth couldn't plan a time to see Percy. Finally, she found him at his locker one day after school and quickly began walking towards him.

"Hi," she said before he could walk away. He started, slamming his locker shut.


"You're avoiding me," she said.


She blinked. " Yup ? So we're just never going to speak to each other?"

Percy frowned. "How do you think Luke would feel if he found out we were still in contact?"

Annabeth said, "he doesn't dictate who I can and can't talk to. Besides, we can be friends. Let's be friends."

He smiled sadly. "We both know we can't be just friends." Percy grabbed her hand and squeezed it. It felt like a goodbye. "You were right to choose stability. I'm sorry if I acted out."

"You didn't," she promised. "I just wish..."

He glanced behind Annabeth and immediately let go of her hands. "I know. I'll see you around." As he turned to walk away, Luke walked to her side and settled an arm around her waist.

"Was he bothering you, babe?"

Annabeth could only stare at Percy's retreating figure. Luke's touch still disgusted her, but she was trying to get over it. It was what was best for her.

"Of course not," she replied, and she caught how nasty her voice sounded. "Just take me home."


The car ride home was silent except for the radio music. Luke loved to play country music, but Annabeth felt like her ears were about to bleed out, so she switched the station.

Unfortunately, the song that caught her attention was the one that reminded her of Percy.

It's you and me, the radio sung out, that's my whole world.

And just like before, Annabeth felt the strong urge to cry. Why couldn't she just have stayed single? She obviously wasn't over Percy, and honestly, she didn't even like Luke anymore. She didn't trust him or find anything about him appealing.

He noticed that she was upset and kept driving towards her house. When they arrived, he parked in her driveway and turned his attention to her.

"What's going on, Beth?" he asked.

She blinked back her tears as quickly as she could.

"I don't think I trust you," she said. "And I don't think this is going to work out."

Luke was silent for a few moments before his expression morphed into one of utter anger and disgust. "What did Percy say to you, just now when we were leaving school? Are you leaving me for him?"

"He didn't say anything," she assured. "You're not even listening. "

"No, I am. " He ran a hand through his tangled blonde hair. "While I was spending all my time trying to win you back, you somehow managed to fall for Percy and let him convince you that you're special. That's what he's saying, right? That he's never felt this way before, that you're different..."

Now her eyes were brimmed with tears. She was ashamed for letting him back into her life. His aggression was just another point towards her decision to leave for good.

"Let me tell you something, Beth," Luke said, "if you were as special as he makes you feel, I wouldn't have had to cheat on you."

Annabeth's face grew red with embarrassment. She got out of his car without another word and hurried to her room as soon as she stepped foot in her house.

She couldn't believe she'd been so stupid as to believe that Luke was a good choice. Maybe she'd been played by both Percy and Luke. Maybe she should've avoided both of them at all costs.

But for some reason, she found herself picking up her phone and texting the green-eyed boy she sincerely cared for.

Annabeth: can we be friends again? i just broke up with him

Percabeth at high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now