Chapter 6

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"This is my house," she said as they rounded the corner. Percy nodded and pulled into her driveway.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:35."

Annabeth blinked. "What?"

"Well, you want to make Luke mad, don't you?" She shamefully nodded. "Trust me, that kid hates me. If he sees you riding around with me, he'll never forget it." She couldn't keep eye contact with him.

"I don't want to get back together with him."

Percy lifted her chin with his fingers. "I don't mind being used as a skipping stone, you know. I'm here for fun times only." Annabeth smacked his hand away, but she couldn't help matching his grin.

"Whatever. I just want him to be mad."

"Then I'm your guy."

She stared into his eyes, allowing herself to be lost in them. They were sea green, and they were full of depth as if they were holding the secrets of the world. He had an expression on his face that she didn't like. It clearly read: I know something you don't.

"Bye, Percy," she said, opening the car door and walking to her front door. She was mildly disappointed that he didn't walk her to the door before she remembered that Percy and her weren't like that. Fun guys didn't do stuff like that, apparently. She glanced back at the car and smiled at the sight of Percy checking to make sure she got in safe.


"Okay, how bad do you want this to hurt for him?" Percy asked. Annabeth yawned.


"Luke. Do you want him to feel kinda jealous, or like, seething-with-anger jealous?"

Her eyes slowly fluttered close before opening again in confusion. She wasn't a morning person, but it seemed as though Percy had high energy at all times of the day.

"Seething with anger, preferably."

"Ah, a woman of taste." Percy parked the car, checking around to see if anyone was near. He hopped out of the car, Annabeth following his example. "Here's the thing," he said as they approached the building. "We have to play this very carefully."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Percy kept looking around, making sure no one was listening. His tousled hair seemed so out of place with the rest of his composed figure, and Annabeth had the strong urge to fix it.

"Luke knows who I am," he explained. "If he thinks you actually like me, he'll think it's humorous. We have to let him know we're both having fun. That's it."

Annabeth considered this. "You want me to make him think we're...playing with each other's emotions?"

"In a way," Percy agreed. "All he needs to know is that you're having fun without him."

She nodded. "I think I can do that."

"Here he comes now," Percy said suddenly, looking beyond her shoulder at what she assumed was her ex-boyfriend. "Your move, Chase."

Annabeth didn't turn back. She grabbed the collar of Percy's shirt, bringing him down to her eye-level. She wore a wicked grin as she stared deeply into his eyes, and for a moment, she almost forgot about the reason for all of this. He gulped, but his shock only lasted for a second. He soon mirrored her expression, a mischievous grin overtaking his face.

"Good?" she asked lowly.


She let him go, and he smoothly snaked his arm around her waist. Annabeth kept her gaze straight forward as they walked towards the front door, but she noticed Luke's gaping expression out of the corner of her eye.

Once they were inside of the school, Percy's arm dropped to his side. "Nice work," he said.

"All you."

He began walking backwards down the hallway. "I'll see you in science?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

He laughed, and since the halls were empty, it echoed through the building. Annabeth thought it was a nice sensation. "I hate you too."

She rolled her eyes as he walked away, but for some reason, she was finding it hard to repress her smile.

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