Chapter 9

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"Hey, hey."

Annabeth's eyes fluttered open, her hand instantly covering her face as a reaction to the sudden light. "Wha..?"

"It's midnight," Percy said. He had his car keys in his hand as well as a hoodie. "You said you needed to be home by eleven but I fell asleep. I'm so sorry."

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "It's okay." He offered his hoodie to her, ranting about the cold weather. She took it with gratitude, but she was too tired to muster up a word.

He grabbed her hand to lead her to his car, and Annabeth found it completely pointless, but she didn't complain.

Percy started the car quickly, and for a second Annabeth's mind flew to Estelle. "What about-"

"My parents are home," he said. With a flashy grin, he continued, "mom thought we looked cute so she left us."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, praying that he couldn't see the blush on her cheeks. "Did you explain to her that I'm not permanent?"

He glanced at her for half a second before returning his eyes to the road. "Who told you you're not permanent?"

She scoffed.

"I'm serious," he said. "We're on the same page and off to a great start."

They passed a diner, and Annabeth caught a glimpse of two people sharing a milkshake. "And what happens when I get a real boyfriend?"

Percy smiled. "You'll have to explain to him that we come as a package deal."

That made her laugh, but it stung a bit deep down. Annabeth wasn't like Percy. She wanted to go on real dates, with real feelings, and real connection. She always knew her deal with Percy was a disaster, but she didn't know much longer she could go before actually falling for him. And that, as was established, was the worst case scenario.

"Beth?" he said, his voice a bit gentler. They were already at her house, but she'd been so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed.

Percy was leaned over and facing Annabeth. In the moonlight, his eyes looked genuine and caring. "Is there someone else?"

She let out a small laugh. "No, of course not. God, you say that as if we've been married for twenty years."

His face reddened. "No!" he exclaimed. "Just, you know, if there's someone you actually like, we can stop this at any time. No hard feelings, right?"

She wanted to believe him, but there was already a tang of disgust in the back of her throat at the mention of her being with anyone other than Percy.



"This really isn't necessary," Annabeth insisted.

"Your parents should receive a formal apology from me. You're like an hour late."

"They're going to think you're my boyfriend," she said. Percy's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Would that be so terrible?"

Annabeth didn't know if he meant being her boyfriend or letting people think he was her boyfriend, but it turned out it wasn't too important after her dad came downstairs.

"Who are you?" her father asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs, his tone unfriendly.

"I'm Percy, sir," Percy replied, offering his hand. Annabeth's dad, thank the gods, shook it. "I just wanted to apologize for keeping Annabeth out so late. We were watching my sister and she wouldn't let her leave until Frozen was over."

Annabeth laughed. Estelle would do something like that, but the lie was humorous all the same. Her father glanced at her.

"Alright, don't let it happen again."

"You have my word."

Percy smiled at Annabeth one last time before assuring her father that he would come to pick her up in the morning and drive her back to his house to retrieve her car. He mentioned a problem with it starting and how they had panicked and took his car instead. The truth; Annabeth was way too exhausted to drive.

Once he was gone, she finally felt like she was able to breathe again. "Well, goodnight!" She couldn't even step on the stairs before her dad replied, "hold on, little lady."

Annabeth froze and silently turned to face him. He glanced at the hoodie she was wearing.

"Don't tell me you're dating that boy."

His tone bit at her heart like a shark. "Dad-"

"I think you made a big mistake with leaving Luke," he continued. "He has a bright future ahead of him, Duke bound."

"Because his dad bought his way in," Annabeth snapped. "And why does it matter? He cheated on me."

"And so you choose to hang around with the nearest slum you could find?" The older man sighed, rubbing his temple right next to his graying hair. "Where did you even find Percy? A rock band cover from 2009? It's time to get serious about your future."

"Percy's just a friend!" she insisted. There were tears springing in her eyes. "And Luke betrayed me. I can't believe you'd put money before my happiness."

"Do you seriously think that boy will give you the life that you want?" her father asked. "He's nice, sure. But will he be able to get you the house of your dreams? Send your kids to any college they'd like?"

Annabeth's face grew red with anger. "I can do all of that myself . I don't need Percy, or Luke, or you, for that matter." She turned and ran to her room, immediately snuggling into her bed. She let the tears fall.

She hated to think it, but her dad was partially right. Percy couldn't give her what she wanted; a real relationship. But would she really return to Luke? Could she even forgive him? She didn't even know if she liked him anymore.

Her phone suddenly rang with a message.

Percy: is he mad?

Annabeth: not at you, don't worry

Percy: and you?

Annabeth: don't worry about me

Percy: too late. you take up about 100% of my thoughts now

Annabeth: leave

Percy: okok

Percy: goodnight beautiful

Annabeth: don't say that

Percy: goodnight ugly?

Annabeth smiled. She wished she could see his face right now, although she knew it was probably morphed into some type of smirk.

Annabeth: i'll see you tomorrow

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