Chapter 13

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Percy and Annabeth talked through her breakup with Luke and he assured her a hundred times that no, she wasn't the problem and yes, he was an eyesore with a pea-sized brain.

They didn't bring up the fact that Percy had actual feelings for her, but Annabeth didn't doubt this because of his lack of flirting. She was beginning to miss the nickname "Princess", no matter how irritating it was.

Will was slowly becoming "Percy's Biggest Advocate", as he titled himself, and although his efforts made her laugh, Annabeth couldn't bring herself to make a move on Percy.

She'd basically established that he had been her second choice, and she also owed the distance to herself. She wasn't lying when she said she deserved a real boyfriend, and even though Percy had grown to like her, he hadn't made any indications of making anything official.

It was hard to move on, though, when he was in such close proximity. Annabeth found Percy's presence to be intoxicating as ever, and the looks he gave her suggested the same was happening on his end.

Three weeks passed and prom was quickly approaching. Honestly, Annabeth was considering ditching the dance altogether and staying home to watch movies.

"Babe, you must come with us!" Piper, one of her close friends, urged. " Us", as in her along with her girlfriend, Reyna.

"I'll think about it!" Annabeth lied. She didn't feel like being a third wheel on a night she'd always pictured as magical and romantic.

Some part of her wished she still had a boyfriend. She didn't want Luke back, but she longed for someone to plan an elaborate promposal, something cute that every other guy would replicate.


After a month of persuasion and dress shopping, Annabeth was preparing for prom. It would be held the next day in the rental hall that the school had chosen. She was excited to spend the night with a few of her friends, but most of them were a part of a couple. She just hoped that they didn't play too many slow songs.

To make matters worse, Percy had been acting super strange around her lately. He still took her to and from school, but he was always tapping his fingers anxiously on lap. He could barely make eye contact with her, and on the rare occasions he did, it was as if he couldn't look away.

He'd previously told her that they could never be friends, but Annabeth was hoping he could establish that more clearly.

She was ready to go to sleep at 10pm to get an early start on the day, but just as she was lying down, she heard a tap at her window.

The tapping continued in a strange rhythm. It didn't take her long to realize that pebbles were being thrown at her bedroom window. Annabeth opened her blinds to find Percy standing in the pouring rain, his hands in his pockets. She opened her window and yelled, "what are you doing here?"

And he had the audacity to smile. It was the crooked grin that she'd once found so annoying but had recently found endearing. "I want to ask you something."

She loudly sighed and closed her window, rushing downstairs. She tossed on a coat and her crocs before meeting him at her front door. She stepped outside, inviting him to stand next to her on the porch. He looked cute with his hair soaked and wild.

"Well," she said, "tell me." He looked at her for a second, and she realized that he was absorbing the peaceful moment.

"I just wanted to say you're the most extraordinary girl I've ever known."

Annabeth flushed. She knew she was completely red, but she wouldn't let him be so comfortable. "Is that all?"

He took the tiniest step closer. "I don't care if you break my heart. You're more important than that." He took a bigger step forward and held her cheek in his hand. "You're more important than everything, Annabeth. I want to be your boyfriend. I want everyone to know we're dating. I want to be vulnerable with you."

All she could do was stare at him for a few seconds. She'd never seen him be so serious. She thought she might've loved him.

"I want that, too," she admitted. "Under one condition."

Percy's gaze was an embodiment of his enchantment. "Say the word."

"You're taking me to prom."

He blinked. "I had a plan to ask you," he said. "That's what I was here for, actually. I made a sign but it got ruined with the rain. I also had a boom box to serenade you—2000's style." Annabeth laughed. Percy continued, "the storm ruined my plans, but I don't know, I just had the sudden urge to confess my feelings for you. I really do like you, Annabeth."

She leaned in and kissed him. "I knew you did. I just needed you to say it."

He rolled his eyes with a grin on his face. He quietly admitted, "I was scared."

Annabeth wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed with him as if there was romantic music playing behind them. "And how are you feeling now?"

He smiled. "Stupid."

She laughed, and Percy must've liked the reaction because he kissed her a bit more lovingly that time. 

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