promises (7)

116 5 2

i love family dynamics begins crying


"When we all pass on, we'll meet up in the world beyond, okay?"

"Yeah. Promise?"



Colle wandered the spirit world, making a flower crown out of the white vines and grey flowers that scattered the area. He had nothing better to do, after all, he was dead.

Unbeknownst to them, though, he wasn't alone in his walk. Someone followed him.


The redhead turned to see a hooded figure standing to the left of him. They had a dull red almost-grey cloak that covered them from head to toe. Without another word they pulled the hood of it off.

A familiar face was there. A dull golden monocle. Eyes that filled with tears and a longing to see his family again.



Neither of them wasted another second and ran towards eachother, enveloping the other in a hug, gripping onto heads, backs, arms, anything they could. They were reunited. Perhaps it was just the two of them, but that was enough for now.

"I didn't think I'd ever find you here..! Y-You- I didn't know you passed on and I-"

Colle chuckled and gripped onto Sharp's cloak. "You look- different- heh.. what happened?"

Sharp halted, remembering his fate, what had happened. He could remember how the fire took everything, hearing Sabre- no, not Sabre, not really Sabre- call out to him in the flames, his desperate handwriting for the note he'd left, and-

'Sabre' leaving him trapped under rubble, mocking him before making a bookshelf crash onto him and-

He shook those memories out of his head. "Things changed- I changed. But it doesn't matter now. We kept that promise, right?"

Colle paused. Unknowing to Sharp, this wasn't his Colle. Not the Colle he once knew, not the Colle he thought of as his dear brother. It was a clone. A clone with  bugs and faults in it.

"Sharp, what promise?"

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