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(Since you guys liked the last one. I figured why not continue with the SDR2 cast?)

Signs that they like you

Hajime: Blushing mess when he's near you, give him one compliment and he'll turn into a tomato, he usually invites you to a 'study session' and when you aren't looking he'll stare at you and quickly look away when you look at him, he's constantly worrying about you no matter what happens to you he will always have your back.

Chiaki: She'll sit next to you all the time and will 'accidentally' fall asleep leaning against you with her head on your shoulder or she'll collapse on your lap, you are her gaming partner you guys can stay up days on end playing video games just so you guys can talk and play, she has been playing those dating games just so she can find ideas to ask you out.

Nagito: He'll give you pet names like 'my little ray of hope' or 'my little sunshine' stuff like that, he won't even stand too close to you because he doesn't want "worthless trash like him" to ruin your perfect hope filled self, he practically will do anything just to make you happy ANYTHING, he's the guy you can lean on when you need it the most. He also asks you to do things like feed him or tiny little things.

Sonia: Will be by your side most of the time, invites you to watch horror movies with her just so you can get scared and accidentally cuddle with her, tells you all about her kingdom and after she tells you about some of the sights to see there she will always say "You should come with me when I go back!", she is practically stuck by your side all day. She teaches you other languages too. And subtly says 'I love you' in a language you can't understand when you two are together, but then quickly make up an translation that it totally wrong.

Fuyuhiko: Gets super embarrassed when you smile or look at him, he won't accept any gift you give him at first just so he can keep his image but when he does take it, he spends the whole day wondering what to get for you instead as a thank you. Gets flustered beyond compare when you give him a smile or a hug, he absolutely hates it when you act all cute and stuff with people other than him.

Akane: Super confident when she's around you, she will share her food with you... that is the biggest sign yet, she occasionally offer to let you use her boobs as a pillow, asks you to join her when she's training or watch her when she's doing a gymnastics performance, she has tried to spar with you before but she doesn't get TOO competitive when it comes to those kind of spars.

Kazuichi: He practically thinks you're an angel, will literally fall over himself just to help you out with the smallest things, for your birthday he made you a cute little robot of your favorite animal, gives you compliments 24/7, he's kinda like your biggest fanboy and will almost squeal when you have done something cute, he gave up on Sonia a long time ago because he decided that you seemed much better than her. Always looking to you for praise over even the littlest things he does.

Koizumi: If your a guy she won't scold you for not being a man about certain things, in fact she won't really scold you at all unless you really need it, she cares for you a lot, she's your second mom so to say, she takes pictures of you without you knowing sometimes, she used the pictures she got of you and is literally trying to make a huge collage to give to you as a gift as soon as it's done, people tries to hit on you she will politely step in, lead them away, then hit them in the face.

Gundam: Blushing stuttering mess, can't even stand near you without having to pull his scarf over his face, he thinks that you are a god[ess] and believes the gods sent you to us, he allows you to touch him like tapping his shoulder and tugging on his sleeves and stuff, one minute he's acting like the most powerful god, one compliment for you can make him stop talking, pull his scarf over his face, stutter out a thank you, then looks away.

Saionjii: She'll ask or demand you to do stuff like carry her, give her a hug, and stuff in the nicest way she possibly can, calling you her big bro/sis is one sign, doesn't insult you as much as the others, when she's alone or sad she will immediately find where you are and cling to you, she hates it when you're being nice to other and she gets jealous easily, she shares a bit her snacks and candies with you.

Teruteru: He hits on you whenever he has the chance to, he uses some of the stupidest pick up lines on you, he cooks some of the best meals for you when you guys hang out at the restaurant, he's a confident one and won't give up until you are his.

Tsumiki: She trips over everything when she's around you, she has given you a shot once but it was out of love, cares for you deeply and if you get a cut or a bruise she will run over to you with a bandage or ice packs to make sure you're okay, when you compliment her she will say thank you... then cry and apologize afterwards because she didn't compliment you first, when she gives you bandages on a cut or an injury she will kiss it all better, but then will get super flustered afterwards.

Nekomaru: Always watches over you to make sure you're okay, always gives you healthy advice and invites you to train with him sometimes, if you're in a sport team he will find a way to coach you and he won't give up, helps you train when you need it.

Peko: She is practically like a bodyguard when she's around you even though Fuyuhiko is one of her main priorities she will run to you when you need help, she will fight off anyone who hurts you or tries to flirt with you I mean she has a sword with her all the time so she can send off anyone she thinks will hurt you in any shape or form, she will do anything you ask her to do ANYTHING.

Byakuya: He's kinda like the real Togami, only a bit nicer and shares his food with you from time to time.

Ibuki: She's so energetic around you, she doesn't really hide that she has a crush on you, she writes songs about you, will occasionally touch your butt, she is kinda clingy, like literally she will jump on you back and wrap her arms and legs around you and call that a hug, she cheers you up the most when your sad, hugs and cheek kisses are a usual thing when she's around you.


Izuru: You aren't as boring as the others to him, he let's you braid or play with his hair, helps you with homework you don't understand, gets kinda flustered when you're around him but he can hide it pretty well, he finds some of the stupidest thing you do adorable and he's not going to give up on you no matter what.


(Okay seriously I'm not good at this kinda thing but I hoped you guys liked!)

(sorry I needed to republish this for reason.)

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