Chapter Four

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Ava's POV.

I felt Aron's body stiffen as I turned around to look at him. His face was slowly turning a deep shade of red, he looked away from me as well.

"Aron, what did you say?"

He shifted his weight nervously from one foot to the other as he looked around the hallway, probably for another exit.

I stepped back from him and leaned against the opposite wall, waiting for his answer. Taking a deep breath I began to play with my Batman gauges while I waited.

"Alright well I'm gonna go."

I started to leave again when I felt my body being lifted up off the ground bridal style. Rolling my eyes I wrapped my arms around Aron's neck as he carried me back into his room. He sat me down on his bed gently. I watched as he paced his room, then shut the door.

I will admit that my heart skipped a beat when the door clicked shut, and he took his hat off.

He still continued to pace his room though. I sighed and leaned back against his pillows and waited patiently for him to stop. It was times like these that you just had to let him pace.

My eyes started to feel heavy by the time that he stopped pacing and jumped onto the bed by me. I sat up and shot him my best reassuring smile that I could offer at the moment. He returned a soft smile.

"So you gonna answer my question there Aron?"

His head snapped up when he heard me speak. I could see at least fifty emotions play across his face as he looked at me. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead of speaking he moved closer to me and pulled me up into his lap.

My heart beat a million times faster as I settled down into his lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew all the hell I was gonna be in just for speaking to Aron. Now add the fact that I was sitting in his lap...forget ever going to college or anything else. My dad would either put me on lockdown or straight up kill me!
But if you want me to be fully honest? I didn't give a fuck at the moment.

I leaned forward, placed my hands on either side of Aron's face and brought my lips to his.

At first he stayed still while I kissed his lips softly. But after the third kiss I placed on him he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me back onto his bed.
He pressed his body down against mine as I brought my lips back to his and kissed him harder. I felt him smile into the kiss as I deepened it.

"This is insane.." he whispered against my lips.

"Do you not know who my mother is?"

He laughed and nodded his head, "Yeah I guess I understand where you get your insanity from."

This time I laughed. "Aron...I love you too."

"Really?" He asked excitedly.


"That's good. Because I love you more than I can ever express."

I turned my head from him so that he couldn't see the blush that was spreading across my face. I felt his fingers lightly touch my cheek and turn my face so that I was looking into his dark eyes.

He brought his lips back down to mine after a couple breaths. I propped myself up on my elbows while he kissed me, then I fully sat up and started to pull his shirt up.

I felt him pull away from me, "What's wrong Aron?"

Fear spread across his face as he crawled off the bed and went to stand by his bedroom window. I got up off the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

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