Chapter Fourteen

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**Flashback as Deuce tells Danny about Ava.**

Ava's POV- 2005; 8yrs old.

I pulled my blanket up over my head as I listened to mommy and daddy fight with each other again. I hated it when they would fight, they were supposed to love each other. But just like last night and the night before they yelled and screamed, and mommy always ended up crying herself to sleep. Kind of like I did sometimes.

I had just curled myself up into a little ball when I heard a knock at the front door. I curled deeper into the couch as the knock grew louder. I covered my ears so that I wouldn't be able to hear the knocking or mommy and daddy yelling.


I sat up and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Avie? Avie is that you?" I heard Uncle Aron say through the phone.

"Yeah Uncle Aron."

"Avie open the front door okay? I'm right outside, I'm gonna take you for ice cream okay?"

I hung up the phone and raced to the door and opened it. Sure enough Uncle Aron was standing in the doorway. He picked me up in his arms, grabbed my shoes and coat and took me out to the car. "Mommy call you?" I asked as he strapped me into my car seat. I hated the car seat, but mommy never let me go anywhere without it. Uncle Aron nodded his head, shut the door and got into the drivers seat.

It was quiet enough that I felt myself doze off.

"Hey, Avie. Wake up."

I opened my eyes to see that we were parked outside of Baskin Robins. I smiled and reached for my Uncle. He picked me up and held me while I picked out my ice cream.

"I love you Uncle Aron. I hope you never ever leave."

"Me too Avie. Me too."

Aron's POV-late 2005.

I walked, well tried to walk, up the porch steps to Johnny's house with a pack of beer in one hand. I laughed to myself as I opened the front door, "WHO'S READY TO PARTY?!!" I called as I fell through the door. Okay so maybe I had started the party a little bit before I got here, but whatever.

I turned the corner into the living room and was met by Johnny reaching for my mask, "Whoa hey man what are you-"

And just like that he ripped my mask off of my face and threw it at the wall.  It broke almost instantly as it made contact with the wall. I stared at Johnny in a mix of shock and surprise.

"Dad! Stop! Leave Uncle Aron alone!" Ava came running into the room and stood in front of me like as if she was protecting me.

  I looked down at her then back up at Johnny. "Dude, what's going on?"

He didn't answer me, he just reached out to Ava and pulled her away from me. "Ava get away from him!"

"Mommy!!!" Ava yelled as Johnny tugged at Ava's arm.

"George let go of her!!" Asia yelled running into the room. As soon as Asia stood by Ava he let go of her.

"Asia what's happening?" I asked as Ava, once again ran to stand in front of me.

"He's kicking you out of the band." She said calmly.

"What? No that's not..." my voice trailed off as it all began to make sense. Ava standing in front of me meant that she was trying to keep me around. It still didn't make sense as to why. "Why are you-"

"Because we don't need you aro-"

"He thinks that I'm cheating on him," Asia said as she looked back at me. "With you."

"But that's not true!" I yelled as I looked from Asia then to Johnny. "Johnny you know me! I wouldn't do that to you!"

I looked over at Jay, but he just looked away. As did Funny, Jordan, and Matty.

"You guys can't actually think this is true? Do you?"

"Hey man you always seem to be over here when we're not so..." Jay's voice trailed off when he saw Ava giving him a look that could freeze over hell. "Avie don't look at me like that." He said pleading for her to understand. She just glared at him.

"Deuce it's time for you to go." Johnny said as he moved closer to me, Ava made herself stand taller.

I reached my hand out and patted her on her head before I turned to go.

"NO!!" Ava screamed when she realized that I had walked out the door.

It broke my heart to hear her screaming for me to stay. I was just about to get in my car when I heard Jay cry out in pain. "Fuck!!! She kicked me in the balls!"

I couldn't help but smile, she kind of learned that little trick from me. I told her to do that if someone ever tried to make her do something she didn't want to.

"GRAB HER!" Johnny yelled from inside.

I pictured Jay glaring at Johnny from his spot on the floor.

Right then Ava ran out the front door, tears streaming down her face. I couldn't help it. I had to give her one last hug. I walked away from my car, and held my arms open for her.

She hit her body hard against mine as she ran right into my arms, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

She buried her head into my shoulder as she cried, "You promised that you would never ever leave!" She sobbed harder as she spoke.

I felt my own tears build up as she reminded me of my promise to her. "I know Avie, but I will be back. I promise you that." I said as I leaned back and wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

"Aron you've gotta go, I'm sorry." Asia said coming up to me.  "Here," she said handing me a phone.

I looked up at her confused.

"I got a new phone this morning when I heard that he was gonna do this. Put your number in so that Ava can still call you, but hurry."

I did as she told and handed her the phone back just in time.

"I'll call you Avie I promise." I said right before I got into my car and drove off.

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