When you start transitioning (ftm)

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He didn't believe you at first. He thought you were messing with him. Of course, you were being dead serious, and he felt awful for insinuating otherwise. He held your hand, running his fingers over your knuckles. He asked if you had another name you wanted to go by, and clarified that you wanted to use he/him pronouns.
Once you were comfortable with others knowing, he made sure to strictly address you by your proper name, especially in public.
If anyone in his dorm dare misgender you, be certain he will punish them to the fullest extent of the rules.
"My dearest boyfriend..."

He noticed. He noticed the small things- the way you carried yourself, the way you dressed, the way you tried to make your voice deeper. You didn't even have to come out to him. He just sort of knew.
Of course, he wasn't certain if you were male or nonbinary or what, so it was quite the surprise when he simply addressed you as his partner, using they/them for you.
Then for your birthday, you found a binder laying with your presents. He asked you how you were choosing to identify.
"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."

You had already cut your hair shorter and started attempting to dress more masculine. When you finally told him that you were male identifying, he laughed and simply told you "not looking like that".
You were hurt until he took you out on a shopping spree. He helped you with finding guys clothes you would look good in, he helped you style your hair, and he started helping you with your walk.
"If those don't fit, you can borrow some of my stuff too."

He didn't have much of a reaction (bi-con that he is), just shrugged it off and told you he didn't care as long as you didn't suck. That really eased the tension. You were already comfortable with him, and him not caring about your identity really helped.
Then he started "accidentally" leaving his clothing in your room and encouraging you to wear them. With all of the subtlety of Ace Trappola.
"Just wear it, it'll look good on you."

He was surprised. To be fair, the signs were there and he probably shouldn't have been surprised, but the man is dense as a brick. When he froze up, you thought he was going to react poorly to your coming out, but it... didn't happen. Of course, it's Deuce Spade.
"... so that's why you were invited into an all-boy's school."

He didn't understand that word. Transgender? He had never heard that word before. He didn't know what it meant.
So he asked Jamil. What does Transgender mean? Jamil said that it was when someone was born in the wrong body and were actually the opposite gender. He felt so bad for you! He loved you and all that you were, but if you wanted to be a boy, he didn't mind at all!
"Is there anything I can do to help?"

He noticed the small signs. Jamil was betting on you either being gay or trans. He wants to help you adjust. If you need help with your transition, he's there to help you.
"My wonderful boyfriend..."

He doesn't seem to care. He barely has a concept of gender himself.
"Is 'Shrimpy' still okay?"

Inside, he was shrieking. Inside, his suspicions were confirmed. Inside, he was doing a victory dance. Inside, he wanted to bring you into a bone crushing hug.
Outside however, all you got was an eyebrow raise and a polite smile.
"I'll support you no matter what."

The pieces began to click in hindsight. You were stealing his oversized clothes, you were trying to imitate how he walked and how low his voice was. At first he thought you were mocking him. Then he thought it was admiration. Then he realized he was a source of gender envy for you. He was flattered.
Then he started buying you tuxedos. He started bringing you around the Monstro Lounge more often. He started really showing you off on his arm.
"This is my boyfriend, have you met him?"

He was incredibly surprised when he found out. You weren't actually the one to tell him. Lilia was. He heard it through the grapevine even if you didn't actually tell him. Lilia also told him not to tell anyone. He honored that request.
The next time he saw you, he draped his coat over your shoulders and remained nervously quiet.
You asked him if he was okay.
"I'm fine... Boy... friend..."

You told him. He gave you a double thumbs up, drawing you close to his chest with a yawn. He kisses your head, running his fingers through his hair.
"That's nice, babe."

He knew before you could tell him. Before you could fully come out, or fully understand your own identity, the small demi dragon somehow knew. Had you mentioned it in passing? Was he just that in tune with your behaviors and feelings?
"I love you either way."

He doesn't understand the notion. He asks you to explain it. You tell him that it's like you were born in the wrong body, and that you've always been a boy on the inside. He nods, gives you a hug, all of the good stuff.
And then he spends his nights researching transgender experiences and how he can help you with your transition. He opts to lend his clothes more frequently in attempts to make you feel more comfortable.
"My research has determined that this is... at least similar to what you are experiencing. Am I correct?"

He cocks his head. He doesn't understand what that means. You tell him that you're a guy. His boyfriend.
You have to reassure him that you still love him. He gets nervous that you won't want him, but once you've thoroughly reassured him, he has a breakthrough.
"Just because you're a boy doesn't mean you can't be pretty too... I'm sure Rook wouldn't mind if you borrowed some of his things!"

He gets it. A few of his friends from home identified as trans as well, so he likes to believe that he gets it. He promises to stick by you throughout your transition.
Then you tried cutting your own hair. It didn't go well. He tutted and sat you down on his bed and got cutting, occasionally asking how short you wanted it. It was perfect when he was finished.
"I hope it's to your liking."

He doesn't understand what you mean. He knows what transgender means, but he can't comprehend that you would identify as that. You're perfect the way you are.
He voices that, and you promptly tell him he's being transphobic. His face goes beet red. He doesn't mean it, really. He asks how he can make it up to you and eventually he takes you shopping for a new wardrobe.
"I hope this is suitable for you... what was your name again?"

You tell him about your real name and your actual pronouns. He barely opens an eye. He wasn't shocked or anything. He doesn't fully care.
As long as you're happy.
"Can I go back to sleep now, or are you gonna keep talking?"

He nearly jumped twelve feet in the air when you told him. He had no idea. How could he have been that blind, that foolish?!
You reassure him that you were in the closet. It was a secret. He had no way of knowing. He brings you into a tight hug.
"Well... I know now. Might as well make up for lost time."

He raised an eyebrow. He asked if you were certain. You asked if he was questioning your identity. He assured you that he wasn't, he was just saying. If he switched the name and pronouns he probably wasn't going to switch back any time soon.
You tell him that that's preferred. He starts treating you like one of the guys. It feels nice.
"We're playing Magift this afternoon. Guys only... wanna come?"

He has to look up what that means. It's a new concept, but once Idia toys with his systems a little, he's completely switched over your profile to be a male interface.
"My older brother updated my user interface to make your experience a little brighter!"

He knows what it means and he knows the first step to helping you. Changing your online avatar. You had no clue how, but he's there to help.
Previously, your avatar had been a scantily clad woman wielding a really cool looking rocket launcher. It was certainly time for a change. He helped you switch certain things while keeping your progress. Now you two fight back to back as a mage concealed in shadows and flames, and an incredibly masculine tank with a really cool rocket launcher.
"Mind if I tell the guys before Friday? Just so you're comfy..."

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