Chapter 22

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WHEN THE GIRLS left their spot in front of the book, I took their place. On the first page was a single paragraph.

The leaves of change will come at last, when the fate of two heart's bond is cast. Souls intertwined and hearts no longer torn, through their love Paegeia will once again be reborn.

 "This is beautiful," I said after reading the paragraph.

 "It's the Viden's very first words that came out of her mouth. We have no idea who it belongs too."

"Wait, it's some sort of a foretelling?"

Cheng nodded. "The most famous. A lot of couples, and lovers want it to be theirs but the words are still black, which means it's a love that hasn't come to existence yet."

"What do you think they will do?"

"Whatever it is, Elena. It's going to be the kind that will bring Paegeia peace for thousands of years to come."

I read it one last time before I started to flip through the pages, reading one foretelling after the other.

"Why are some of the sentences red and others blue?"

"The ones in red have already been fulfilled. The blue ones have expired without being fulfilled. The black ones like the one on the front page, well, they still haven't come to light."


My eye caught a red one as I flipped toward the middle. It belonged to a dragon and said that his Dragonian would be struck by lightning.

I showed Cheng and he smiled. "You think it's George's?"

"It's got to be. Becky was hit by lightning, and they forced her to claim George. The only thing is she feels his future isn't important enough and they could've let it slide," I said.

"Nothing written in this book is unimportant. Who knows, maybe a second part of that foretelling will come soon. It sounds as if a part is missing."

I smiled and kept paging through.

I found a foretelling about Blake. It was about his Dragonian. Although the text didn't use the exact words 'spawn of King Albert and Queen Catherine', it sure implied it. I frowned. "Why is this one still black?"

"That's the mystery. No one knows. It's the only thing that gives us hope," he said sadly.

I read further. Many were black and my mouth became dry.

"This one's new," Cheng said, and started reading the lines out loud. "A day will come and a day will go, a choice you have to make, otherwise the truth will never be known." He frowned and looked at it through squinted eyes.

"What does it mean?" I tried my best not to let my voice break.

"I have no idea, but if it's in this book, it's important."

I took a deep breath and tried to shake it off. Maybe it had nothing to do with me, and the Viden was seeing the foretelling about her next meeting. I had already been on my way out when she said those words.

I closed the book and we moved on to the next exhibit.

It was about Master Longwei. The museum had both his forms on display; the human form as I knew him, and his dragon form. His scales were gold, and he had whiskers sprouting from his nose. If dragons smiled, Master Longwei definitely did the day they made this model. He looked beautiful and majestic, just like Dad had that night. It must be a Metallic thing.

The Renaissance era was boring.

King Alexander, King Louie's father, ruled Paegeia with the same cruelty toward dragons.

FireboltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora