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A higher position and more power comes with extreme hard work and huge responsibilities. And not everyone can bear them. But I can and I've proved myself that is why I am where I am today. Being a MD at the age of 23 and managing such projects on behalf of my company is not an easy task but I'm grateful for what I have because I worked for it. You see nothing comes easy or for free in this world. The world is a cruel place and you have to mould yourself in such a way, sometimes creating a alternative self by burying your real self to survive.

My Life has been busy, extremely busy these past few months. But today I've been stuck in my office since morning along with my team preparing for the biggest project of my career. It's something every one in the higher position in the office wants to do but only few can handle. It's a tour project. A world tour by the biggest boy band in the world - BTS (Bangtan Soniyodan).

As you can guess their company prepares everything before hand and their tour announcement is next to the coming week but before that we have to settle everything so that their fans can get the tickets and merch without any problem.

We have to make sure that the stadiums are booked, flights are available, economy of the place where the concert will be held, proper amount of staffs and security, we have enough amount of tickets and the quality of merch and whether we can load them back after they get out of stock because Armies are no joke.

Everything is quite ready and only some finalizing is left and for that I have to go to Korea to the Band's parent company. And before that I have a lot of work and checkings that needs to be done before I fly out so that when I will be away from my company, my team won't face any problem and can do their work efficiently.

My flight is on the day after tomorrow and I might have to stay in the office for today and tomorrow to complete all my work before my flight but at the same time my packing is also left. I will be away for a couple of weeks and that's a lot of packing.


Being stuck in office for the past two days hurdled with papers and files, surviving on coffee with no sleep and receiving pity eyes from my team members wasn't fun at all but gotta do what I gotta do. But I'm finally done with everything and it's past 7 pm in the evening and I have a flight to catch at 9 am tomorrow. So yeah I might not get any proper rest before I leave.

After driving to my two bedroom apartment for 40 minutes and unlocking the door the first thing I wanted was a long shower and sleep but unfortunately my stomach was is much more in need of attention. So all I did was multitask between changing into a fresh pair of clothes after washing up, tyding my apartment and making some delicious Indian chicken curry and rice because that is what I was craving for the past few days. And my packing was still pending and my body has already given up on me. But I knew that if I slept I won't be able to pack or catch the flight so giving myself a pep talk about how I'll be payed more for this project I went to closet to pack my stuff for the coming two weeks. And after completing all that I was left with six hours in my hand so I decided to sleep for atleast 3 hours which turned out to be 4 hours and then me panting and huffing and running around my apartment like a mad women to catch my flight because the airport was a good 40 minutes drive from my apartment.

After finally catching my flight which I was on the verge of missing all I did was catching up on my beauty sleep and read some books. It was a good 13+ hours flight and I wanted some rest. After landing I spotted the company's people at the airport with a sign board waiting for me and I was impressed enough with their courtesy.

The company had informed me earlier that they'll arrange my transportation and living so I didn't need to worry about it. But the thing was they gave a huge ass apartment instead of a hotel to stay and I was beyond shocked at that. I have to give them for that but even though I'm the MD of their own company's branch but they're the parent company after all. I didn't really expect this but maybe a five star suite or hotel from them. But nothenless I'm impressed beyond words. The driver was accompanied by a staff and they informed me that they have prepared everything I will need and if I need anything else I should contact them and I can also have the car for myself for the two weeks and they'll provide a driver if needed which I declined because it was too much already but they insisted that it's for my betterment because I'm a foreigner. So yeah I accepted at last.

TEMPTATIONS  | BTS ; Min Yoongi |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu