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Weeks have passed. I'm settled in the office with my team, picked some new members for my team too and currently very busy. The tour starts next week, the boys are ready, staying up late till early mornings to give their best during the performances and the preparations are done, all stadiums are sold out withing fractions of seconds as always, merch is ready, the now stadiums and Armies are waiting for them. It's just a week and time is passing by like running water.

As for me I had a lot of meeting everyday and there are times when I was so tired that I was literally passed out on my office. I've settled in my apartment which was provided to me by the office, and yeah it's not the same one that was provided to me when I came before. It is a better one, not so far away from the office but in the rich part of the city, all lavish and posh,  great privacy and security. Currently I'm using the car provided by the office because I won't be here for some time but I'm thinking of buying a car after I return. Just because I've to stay here for sometime now and I don't want to use the office car for that long.

During these weeks of me coming back I've had my fair share of meetings and greetings and even bumping with the boys and we're okay with each other and they don't dislike me. They're really humble and welcoming as always. They know that I'll be accompanying them to the whole tour and and they're okay with it. I don't even know how to explain what I'm doing at this point. Sometimes I feel like I'm their manager and sometimes I feel like a lost kid with them. They're so talented man.

As for me and my heart going haywire whenever Yoongi is around, it has not changed for anything better but it gets weirdly fast and make me feels much more giddy these days that it used to before. It's hardly what two months of us knowing each other. And to be honest there's no US to be exact. But sometimes it feels like he kind of feels the attraction too because sometime he stares, for long and gives hard stares. It gives me butterflies, makes me feel fuzzy. I don't know if all this is just my imagination but I'm not complaining even if it is.

Few days back I was in my office sorting through some paper when there was a  knock and turns out it was their manager and they wanted to sort some things out. Wanted to know about something. I followed him only to be guided to the boys practice room. They were practicing like there's no tomorrow. They really are hardworkers and they always try to give their best at everything.

The first step in the room and my breath hitched. His eyes were at me. They were taking a break at the time when I went in. Heavy breaths and sweaty forehead and face, cloths clinging onto his body. It felt like there was no one else in the room except him and I. 

A sudden clearing of throat pulled me back into the reality. But when I was talking and clearing the doubts they had about the stadiums and ticketing I caught him staring again. But this time Hobi was nudging him with a smirk. This is not progress. Absolutely not.

Following that day it happened again but at the cafe. It was past midnight and I was still stuck at the office and he was too I guess. I was sitting at the cafe by the huge terrace garden and soaking in the fresh air and I was so tired that I had passed out there with my head on the table. I am normally a very light sleeper but as I was tired and exausted out of my mind and body I somehow didn't realise that I felt asleep there on the open terrace cafe with only a few workers here and there. When my eyes opened Yoongi was sitting on the chair beside me. A coffee in his hand. At first I thought I was hallucinating but turned out he was actually sitting there. Staring at me with those mesmerizing brown orbs of his which he denied saying he was not instead he was looking at the moon which was not there on sky. But me being me kept staring at him. And he was holding my gaze befor I broke it and sighed thinking of what actually was I doing.

"It's not safe to be napping out here alone in the middle of the night you know" he said.

"Why? Are you worried?"

"As a co-worker or acquaintance I am."

"Uh-huh. I'll keep that in mind and be careful from next time my co-worker and acquaintance."

"Okay." He didn't say much just huffed and stood up to leave but not before bidding his good bye.

Just like those small moments here and there, catching each other's gaze and stealing glances for the next few days made us talk it out or better fight it out  just before the day I was leaving for their first concert venue. Being the event manager I've to go before the artist and check out if everything was on point and set.

We we're both at the cafe at the same table which I normally sit at hidden between the large trees and giving the look of the city which at this point became our place when he said that apparently I have been on his mind and messing up things for him for sometime now.

And he wanted an out. It hurt. It hurt when he said he wanted an out but I didn't even knew what he wanted an out from because there was nothing between us.

I was angry at first. It might sound childish but I wanted to know what he wanted an out from. I was controlling myself but then I burst out.

"You want an out from exactly what?"

"I don't know exactly what to call it but I Know you feel it too. It's like something is pulling is closer like a thread or maybe it can some kind of sexual tension."

A hollow laugh left my mouth thinking about how he said that it was some type of sexual tension.

"Do you know how I feel about you? You want an out from something that's not even there and maybe that's sexual tension for you."

I was hurt. I wanted to cry or maybe shout. He makes me lose control and I hate it. I don't know who was the mature one here because definitely being older is not the only sign of maturity. And so he was clearly not being mature here.

Him and I we both know we feel something. Some kind of attraction towards each other and no one can deny that because even the boys and their managers could feel it. I know by the way they give him looks while we're in meetings or togther for anything. I just know.

But there is this company rule of not dating workers but as they're senior idols and mostly run the company and are shareholders they can do anything or date anyone as long as they're not married or having any kid or a part of any type of scandals.

So he gave me a proposal. A proposal as per him that'll help both of us to help each other out of our miseries. A misery that makes me feel things for him.


My exams are going on so I don't know how frequently will I be able to update but I'll try my best.

Also Yoongi's birthday is in four days and PTD on stage _Seoul in five days 🥺


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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