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"You heard me"

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

" Yes I am Eve."

"Listen it's not even funny. The sick joke you're playing is not FUCKING funny!" I shouted.

"It's not a joke. I'm serious. You've been transferred to our Seoul branch."

"No, you cannot just blow me up like that. Not once but twice! Firstly the world tour and now a transfer. How the fuck do you think I'm going to give up my team and then go to complete different branch and then do what?
Have you like asked me once what If I want to do it or not? What if I'm comfortable with the arrangements you're setting up? I didn't say anything about the tour but why are you transferring me like that? What about my team here? My apartment and everything?"

"You don't have to worry about that. You're position is still the same but imagine how you'll be coping up with all the works while you're on tour? It'll become a burden on you. You already overwork yourself and I'm not going to let you die this young because of work and stress. You deserve a break Maeve. It's for your benefit only."

"And what if I don't want it? What if I'm okay with all the work while on tour? It's not like I have to dance or sing or do the stylist's work. I'm a fucking business and event manager for fucks sake. I manage business and events! I don't travel around with any perticular group or idols. That's not my job."

"I know but they need you more than we do. That branch in seoul needs you more than this branch. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. The descision is made and it's final. You're going to transfer to the seoul branch."

"You know how hard I worked for where I am Rachael. Atleast you of all people know how hard I worked for and with my team, I Just cannot leave everything behind and evaporate like that."

"I know Maeve and that is why you can talk and choose four or max five members of your team to accompany you to Seoul. As your team. And then you can choose and look for more members from that branch."

"What? I can do that?" I asked shocked and a little bit relieved. And the smirk on Rachael's face didn't get unnoticed by me.

"Yeah. You can. I know why you're picking a fight about this transfer. It's about your team obviously, because you handpicked and trained them yourself right."

"Yeah, you got me there." I sighed.

"I know you're always ready to travel and get new experience but I also know how you want your team to be with you so yeah you've a month time before you'll be shifting to the seoul branch. You can talk to your team about this and decide on who'll come with you and then they can report it to me. I'll arrange the rest. You'll be on tour from the coming month for most of the year I guess so I'll advice you to shift as soon as possible and get settled in the work environment. It'll help and make it easy for both you and your team that way."

"Okay. But what do you mean by the rest?"

"You know the living arrangements and the company facilities for you and the rest of the team."

"Okay. But be clear about one thing, are you promoting me or demoting me here? Because I'm fucking confused."

"I'm doing neither. You're just being transferred. Your position and authority will still be the same. And yeah your position here will always be open. If you want to transfer to any other branch or come back here after some time you're always welcome but I can't guarantee the same about your team."

"Uh- huh okay. I understand. I'll be taking my leave then. Just send me the files in time." I said and then left the said CEO Rachael's office.

I'm back from Korea and the first thing in the Morning was me getting a call from the CEO herself telling me to come to her office because she needs to discuss something really important. And that was what her really important discussion was about. My transfer to the Seoul branch of the company. There goes my plan of staying away from a certain artist and getting them off my system. It going real smooth. Yeah.

The CEO aka Rachael and I are quite close. She's seen me struggle through thick and thin, work my ass off and yeah she's also seen me in some of my weakest times. She's older than me obviously, in her late forties but she's like a sister I can rely on or go ask for advice about anything in or outside my life, be it personal or just random.

If I say I was shocked by the news, it will be an understatement but yeah what can I do, it's my job and I'm okay with it because I'm getting to have some members from the team. I don't know how it will work out but it will somehow, I just know.


"Ahhhhhhhhhh--" I'm so fucking frustrated. This is not working. I cannot concentrate on my work. I keep replaying things from the past few weeks in my head. How am I supposed to get head straight?

"Uh- uhh.. Are you alright?" There was a knock on my office door and I looked up from the pile of papers messed up on my table where I was banging my head minutes ago.

"Yeah. Come in" I sighed for the nth time since morning.

"You don't look alright. Want to talk about it?" Ashley said.

Ashley is one the best members on my team. She's really hardworking and punctual. And really fun and chill to be around and she knows her boundaries with me and respects them well. That is something I admire her very much for if not only for her skills.

"It's bearable till now. I'll talk if it becomes unbearable."

"Okay. As you wish." This is what I was talking about. She knows me and my boundaries well.

"But, I heard about the tranfer this morning. Your transfer."

"Yeah. My transfer. Can you tell the team that we'll have a meeting in an hour. After the lunch break.i need to tell you guys something."

"Okay. I'll inform them. Then I'll take my leave now. Anything else you want me to help you with?"

''No that's it for now. Thankyou."

"Okay. But atleast have your lunch before you paas out and die."

"Okay mom. I will. And Ashley.. thankyou again. For you know checking up on me."

"Yeah sure. You know I'm always here if you need me right. Just talk it out and you'll feel better.Whatever it is. Because I know how you keep everything to yourself. Don't do that. Please."

"Hmm. Okay.''

Then I was left alone to think. Think about all of it. Staring from my childhood days, university days to me struggling with work and life and balancing my personal and social life to coping with my depression and anxiety and doing my best at climbing the ladder of the corporate world and all the happy and sad moments. Everything altogether. And then a certain thought of me taking a leave and shifting to the other branch. It gave me anxiety again but atleast I know how to cope with it at this point of life.

I didn't even realise when the hour passed away like that and then it was Ashley again at my door with a coffee in her hand Asking me to come to the meeting room because everybody was there. She passed me the coffee which I was grateful for because I don't know how would I have went on without it.

I informed my team about my transfer and the proposal about three or four members to accompany me to the branch. I told it was okay if they didn't want to because I know not everyone is like me without commitments or relationships to keep but they shut me up saying I was being dramatic and ridiculous and yeah they'll decide and inform me by the day after tomorrow that who are coming with me.

And it went on like that for the next few days. Them informing me about who will come along with me and then me informing Raechel and she making the arrangements. Us packing and completing our pending projects and dissolving the team. It was hard. Really hard but here we are. Me and the other four members of my team on the flight to Seoul, South Korea and this time to settle there for quite sometime and not return back to LA within a week or two.

I'm going back to the place I wanted to run away from. But this time I knew I cannot run away like I always do. This time I have no plans of running away. This time I want to see what has life planned away for me. This time I wanted to know. Only this time. And I knew it might be a bad Idea but I like bad ideas. It might ruin me, but I wanted to give it a shot. And deep down I knew I might not stand a chance but I wanted to see. I wanted to see if I could have a chance with him. With Min Yoongi. Who makes me feel things for him. And only him.


Let me know how it is 💜

Happy Yoongi month and Pisces season lovelies.

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