Beta! Mahipeko: Red Eyes

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HoneyBuddah707 requested on their page to make a vampire AU of Mahiru and Peko. I haven't touched this in months and I really apologize. 😅 At least, I got it done now than never.

Yep, I will make a part two of this.


He knew; the young master had always known. She was the one responsible for killing his sister. He kept her locked up in a cell, hoping she will rot in despair. He wouldn't even call her by her name: Mahiru. The mere mention of her name would get him into a silent rage. They could tell from his knuckles turning white to the sneer on his thin lips. Thousands of years, the Kuzuryu family ran the southwestern part of the country with an iron fist. After his sister's death, there was a lot of pressure on the young lord's shoulders.

"She's one hell of a firecracker." A pale man with shaggy red hair quipped from a dark corner of the young lord's office. "Never once did I think a human could scare the undead." Yes, the undead. The reason that the Kuzuryu family has lasted this long was because they were vampires. Anyone who worked under them would also become one to prevent their secret from letting loose. If they did escape, they would be hunted like dogs.

"Rai. Do not compliment the one who has tarnished the Kuzuryu name." Another man by the name of Korekiyo Shinguji hissed. "If you have any respect-"

"Jesus. You just LOVE hearing the sound of your own voice, don't you?" The red haired man brushed him off. "My point is, and forgive me my lord, for offering such a ridiculous suggestion."

Fuyuhiko, who had his back away from the two, looked at him with his good eye. He looked away, back to the darkness outside.

Peko, one of the young master's trusted aides, uncrossed her arms. "What is this...idea of yours?"

"You want her to really to feel despair, right? Well, why not just turn her-"

Korekiyo slammed his fist onto the table and stood up. "You're out of line!"

"You know, just because you are the first lieutenant, doesn't mean you get to interrupt."

"Enough. Both of you." Peko ordered sternly. The two men looked at her with fear as she prepared to unsheathe her sword.

"It's alright, Peko." The master spoke, much to everyone's surprise. He stood up from his chair and slicked his hair back. "Rai? You make a valid point."

Korekiyo scoffed. "Seriously? You are ACTUALLY going to listen to this...trash panda?" Rai could only chuckle at the mild insult.

"A trash panda he may be, but he is right about this: I want her to suffer." Fuyuhiko smirked. "Death is way too easy and from what I gather, she hasn't been...cooperative."

He turned to Peko, who gave a silent nod in confirmation. For days, the red haired prisoner would glare at anyone who crossed by. Taking to her rationally was not a viable option for she uses it as a way to insult or degrade them. Feeding her was a coin toss: either she ignore the food or use it as a weapon to scar or maim.

"If I want her to fear the Kuzuryu name, then I will make her by force." Fuyuhiko sat back down, making his decree.

"As much as I would love to approve, my lord. To have your pure bloodline tainted by that 'creature' is not in the family's best interests." Korekiyo remarked. "Revenge or not, I highly advise against it."

Peko knew he was right. Everyone in this room was marked (or bitten) by the master himself to swear loyalty to the Kuzuryu family. Having the murderer of a heiress become one of their was frowned upon.

"Perhaps...if the trash panda would like to offer-"

"Don't start. She may be a firecracker, but I'll be damned if the first one I mark is her." Rai crossed his arms, concealing his middle finger pointing at the lieutenant.

Korekiyo chuckled. "As I thought. Well, I suppose that this discussion-"

"...I'll do it, young master." Peko volunteered. "Despite my history as being adopted into the family, I was the first marked into the family. I should have the responsibility to deal with her."

That was a half truth. Out of all the people the prisoner hated, Peko was number one. She didn't want to deal with her, but if the master wouldn't, she had to. That was the duty as his second in command.

"No!" Fuyuhiko objected, slamming his fist on the table. "That is out of the question!" He glared at Peko, who remained unfazed by his actions.

"If you wish to give her despair, I mean true despair." Peko replied. "This is probably the option to go on...unless if Korekiyo has any alternatives." For once, the lieutenant remained silent and Rai smirked at him with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry, young master. I will only go if you approve, but you must remember the family motto."

He grimaced as the words hit him. Turning away, he sighed. "Korekiyo...prepare for the marking. Rai, bring your crossbow. You have my permission to kill the bitch if she hurts Peko. Clear?"

"Crystal, boss." Rai nodded as he walked off. Korekiyo bowed in respect, before glaring at Rai for not following suit. Both gentlemen walked out the office as the grandfather clock began to ring out.

4am...they will have to wait until tomorrow. Midnight. Odd as that is, it was tradition. The swordswoman bowed quietly and she walked towards the door.

"Peko?" His voice, etched with concern and disdain echoed through the room.

"Yes, young master?"

"Don't... I don't want you to end up like Natsumi. Her first marking...that child...that could be the reason why that bitch killed her."

Peko turned to face him, though he had his back turned. "This is different young master. If she disobeys me, I won't hesitate to kill. That is my sworn oath to you as your first mark. That is my path to the Kuzuryu family."

"...very well. I'll be watching."

To Be Continued...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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