Beta! Naegiri: Forgive Me

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Takes place after Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak. Since I haven't really made a beta version of Trigger Happy Havoc, I will only use Kyoko, Byakuya, Hajime, and Makoto in this story since they had already appeared in Beta Memories.

I never thought my life would take a drastic turn when I first stepped into Hope's Peak all those years ago. I was just an average kid who got accepted by lottery, but now I am a fighter of hope in this despair filled world. I watched as many of my classmates died by their own hands or by Monokuma. There were days where I couldn't sleep because of their gory executions continued to give me nightmares. Their bloodcurdling screams would pierce my ears as I watched them reach their ends over and over again.

Later, when I joined the Future Foundation, I was tasked to destroy the Remants of Despair. However, because of what Izuru-no...after what Hajime Hinata did to save them, I backed down. By choosing to let them live, I was considered a traitor...

Since then, I was at a crossroads: continuing the pursuit of the Future Foundation or rebuild Hope's Peak to its former glory. It didn't help that I allowed myself into another killing game which had put my beloved Kyoko in a coma. I have the capable hands of Mikan Tsumiki to thank for saving her. Still, it didn't make me any less guilty.

"Makoto? What's up with you?" Hajime, with his one hazel and one red eye, called out to me while shaking my shoulder.

"Huh?" I shook my head out of my daydreams before yawing. "Sorry about that..."

"More bad dreams, huh? Christ, and here I thought I had it bad." He said, scratching his head.

I never regretted my decision about Jabberwock Island. Seeing these former Remants returning to normal made me more confident in my own abilities. If I could really help someone return back to society, maybe there was some hope left in this world.

"Yeah, well...killing games orchestrated by a teddy bear would do that to you." I replied, sighing. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Oh, Kyoko was looking for you."

Her name pierced my heart like a dagger. I had been avoiding her since the incident, but I can reassure you it was for good intentions...or more of a guilty one.

"Huh? Is she done with the briefing already?"

"Yes, and I have some things to say." Her voice echoed through the room. Hajime and I looked up and saw her standing in the doorway. She had her arms crossed and a cold stare in her eyes. How long was she standing there? How much did she hear?

"Hinata? I would like a moment alone with Naegi, please."

"Uhh...yeah." The brown haired boy laughed sheepishly before whispering in my ear. "Good luck. You're gonna need it."

He took off running, avoiding Kyoko's following stare. In the back of my mind, I was telling myself to get out of there. My legs were like jelly and I felt like I was frozen in a block of ice. She swiftly turned her head towards me, but her stare had softened.

"Makoto? We need to talk." She said bluntly before entering the room and taking a seat next to me.

I couldn't move my lips and my brain short circuited. My heart was pounding out of my chest. All I could do was wait for her to speak, but she continued to delay by looking at me.

"Why are you blushing for?" Kyoko asked, a little bit peeved. "It's not like you to suddenly be so skittish."

I really wanted to slap myself in the face, but a coughing fit did the trick. I turned myself around to avoid coughing in her face. "Yes, of course. Sorry, Kyoko."

I took a few moments to collect myself.
Deep breath in, and out. In and out. In and out. My shaky breathing started to settle down as I turned back around to face her.

"Makoto...Byakuya has told me about what happened. You must know that what I chose to do was for the greater good of the Foundation." She explained, but I immediately flared into anger and stood up when she said that last sentence.

"What about me? Or Hina? Hiro?" I screamed. "Didn't you think about the regrets you wouldp have had if you just killed yourself off?"

"...yes, I did. I had no choice in the bracelet's design or it's motive. It was either let you die or sacrifice myself." She said quietly. "It hurt when I couldn't say what I needed to say. While you were an average student in our first killing game, you gave us hope. You still do and it would be selfish of me to extinguish it."

"What was it that you wanted to say?"

"I care about you, Makoto. I'm sorry it took so long but I needed you to survive."

I sat back down in silence, clenching my hands together. What was I supposed to say? My hands shook as the stress of it all took its toll. "I understand..."

"You forgive me then?"

I looked up and just nodded. "Yes I do."



"Do you care about me as well?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do." I said, sighing. "The thing is that I don't want a girlfriend that will constantly keep secrets from me."

Kyoko nodded and stood up. "I understand your reasoning. After all, this is a dangerous occupation."

She was on her way out, but I grabbed her hand. She turned her head to face me and I grabbed it and kissed her lips. It was bittersweet to say the least, but I am glad I went through it.

Breaking it, she looked at me confused. "I thought you said-"

"I forgive you, Kyoko...and I love you." I whispered as our foreheads touched. For a moment, hope and despair didn't exist. It was the two of us in blissful ignorance and I didn't mind.
The End

What should I write next? Open to any ideas right now. Also, my birthday is coming up on Monday. Super excited!!

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