Kishiko: Just A Shell

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A/N: This story will be focused on my Danganronpa OC, Kishiko. It will be in her point of view.

"Let me just start by asking a few simple questions." A lady asks as I am blinded the lights in the room. I cannot get a good look on her face, but I could tell she had a skinny build and her hair was tied into a tight bun. "What is your name?"

"Kishiko Kakyoku." I replied.

"Age and date of birth?"

"I was born January 17th and I am 19 years of age."

"Talent at Hope's Peak?"

"I was known as the Ultimate Mermaid Performer."

"Was?" Her monotonous tone suddenly gave a hint of emotion when she asked me that. It was if she thought I was going to pursue my talent for a career after I graduated. However, that was far from the case.

"I...stopped practicing a year after I arrived home." I explained briefly. I knew that they had all the information in that file folder she had.

"You mean, after your exchange program into the States?" She asked, pretending that it didn't matter. "Class 99 was sent off into an exchange program with St. Margaret's Preparatory School for The Elite, correct?"


"At the time, was Hope's Peak expecting any students to arrive from St. Margaret's?"

"I wouldn't know. That was between the headmasters." I said. "I didn't know what was going on here during my program."

"Because...they blocked out all signals there? Preventing anyone to call for help?" She persisted.

I sighed, looking down at my hands. It was hard to talk about what happened. I guess that's why it was called PTSD. God, the nightmares I got was terrifying beyond belief.

"Yes...they locked all the doors as well. We were only allowed to wander the school grounds, student tried to climb the fence and he was electrocuted to death."

She nodded as she opened another file folder and began reading. "Let's see here...Class 99 of Hope's Peak was offered a year-long exchange program with St. Margaret's Preparatory School for The Elite." I nodded solemnly, proceeding her to continue. "According to reports, the students from St. Margaret's never appeared for their orientation."

I didn't know what to say. Those kids were never heard from again...or were there any kids at all? Did Headmaster Kirigiri that narrow minded that he didn't check if the school was legit?

"After that year, there were only five of you that survived? What happened to the rest?"

I sighed, swallowing up any fear I was giving away. "I don't know. The last time I saw them was back at the airport...talking to some guy in a suit. I was about to be approached by him but my older sister arrived, told him off, and took me home."

"Do you remember that conversation?"

"No. I was in the car, and I immediately fell asleep from jet lag."

The woman nodded and closed her file folder.

"Just so you know, you were recommended to the Future Foundation by Chiaki Nanami. Care to elaborate?"

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