Update (again)

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Ahem...well this is awkward. I know it's been a long time since I wrote anything on Wattpad. I apologize for that. With this pandemic going on, it can make someone go into a slump. 😬

Luckily, while I was doing some OC-Tober art, I managed to get something going. I just posted the first chapter of a beta Hinanami story. If you want to, check it out and give me your thoughts.

As for the stories I have left, it depends on how much interest in the readers. I have seen comments on Behind the Glass and even the oneshot books. I am not sure about Beta Overload, so I may delete it. I need more time on whether or not I will release another Promare story. I doubt it since I really cannot think of an idea for it. Maybe I can just do some quick oneshots or something.

Anywho, thank you for everyone who continues to support this page. I do hope I can get back into the rhythm of things moving forward.

Until next time,


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