Beta! Komahina: In My Shoes

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A/N: This is for @SilvertheDelta for requesting a Komahina oneshot.

I had found this picture of a list of Komahina prompts, so I decided to use it. This is a TalentSwap AU where Hajime and Nagito are attending Hope's Peak with the roles reversed. As a bonus, I will be adding Rantaro and my OC, Kishiko as Reverse Course students. I hope you all enjoy!
Hope's Peak was the finest in education for those with unique talents. Annually, they would have a lottery to select one normal student to walk the halls as the Ultimate Lucky Student. Hajime Hinata, who has admired it ever since he could remember, was that lucky individual.

Orientation day had arrived and as he tightened his tie on his new school uniform, he had never felt more excited. He always wanted to be someone special and now this was his chance to prove it.

As he exited his house, the sun was beaming and a cool breeze greeted him. Waiting for him out front, was Hajime's friend, Nagito Komaeda. He was also a student of Hope's Peak, but in the Reverse Course. Although, he never seemed happy about going to school, Nagito would tell him about all the things that would go on.

"You seem WAY too chipper this morning, Hinata." Nagito groaned as the two of them walked side by side.

"I cannot help it. It is like a dream come true for me." Hajime replied with a big grin on his face.

"Just you wait..." Nagito smirked. "You'll be crying your eyes out."

"Why is that funny?"

"It's not, but you are definitely going to be judged by everyone."

Hajime scoffed at him, not believing a single word. Nagito was always a nay sayer, but he knew he cared enough to at least try.

"I'll be fine, Nagito." Hajime reassured him. "Besides, I don't think anyone is going to notice me since they are going to be practicing their Ultimate Talents."

"If you say so." Nagito shrugged. He didn't want to give up, but Hajime was a stubborn person. "Just don't embarrass yourself, okay?"
As the gates opened to Hope's Peak, both boys separated at the front of the school gates, waving their goodbyes. Nagito joined his classmates outside as Hajime headed inside to find his home room.

"Good morning, Nagito." Kishiko, a fellow Reverse Course student, waved down. She was joined by another student, Rantaro, who was reading a textbook.

"Kakyoku. Amami." He greeted nonchalantly. "Nice to see that the two survived the summer."

"Barely." Kishiko sighed. "Who was that you were walking with?"

"Just a friend." Nagito said bluntly. "It really isn't anything important."

"Yeah, but he just entered the school where the talents go in..."

Rantaro looked up from his book. "I am guessing he is the new Ultimate Lucky student?"

"How do you know? You weren't looking at us." Nagito sneered.

"I didn't say that I knew. It was a guess...and judging by that comment, I was right."

"Asshole." Nagito muttered under his breath just as the bell alarmed them. "I just pray that I don't have you in home room again, Amami."

"Don't be too sure." Rantaro smirked as the three of them headed into the school. Nagito looked behind him where Hajime entered, concerned.
Hours later, Nagito waited for Hajime in front of the school to walk back home. Majority of the students had already left and it worried him.

"You still here, Nagito?" Kishiko asked as she passed him by. "I thought you would have left by now."

"Normally, yes." Nagito sighed. "I figured I would wait for my friend...although he sure is taking his time."

"Maybe he is just enjoying some time with his new classmates."

However, they were surprised when Hajime did show up. His uniform and hair was a mess, he had a bloody nose and a black eye. Nagito rushed to his aid just before his friend collapsed.

"Jesus! What happened to you?" Kishiko asked as she knelt down.

"I...I just got on the wrong side of the Ultimate Gangster." Hajime shrugged. "That's his way of a warm welcome."

"Bullshit! Where is that son of a bitch!?" Nagito hissed before Kishiko stopped him.

"Forget it. Just take him home, Nagito. Do you think it is worth fighting an Ultimate?"

"No, but-"

"Nagito...can we go home now?" Hajime wheezed as he tried to stand up. "I'll be okay..."

The boys took their leave as Kishiko watched with her arms crossed. "That kid really is the Ultimate Lucky Student." She told herself.
Later, Nagito was patching Hajime up on his doorstep. He felt more annoyed than anything that his friend would get beat up on his first day. Hajime didn't look at him but preferred looking at the ground.

"You know I didn't buy that whole warm welcome bullshit earlier, Hinata." Nagito said.

"I was more for your girlfriend's sake."

"Kishiko isn't my girlfriend. She is way too head strong for me...wait. Why does that matter?"

Nagito saw a glimpse of his cheeks blushing as he turned away. It soon hit him: he probably saw them talking this morning. Was he jealous? Jealous enough to insult and get beaten up for? Sure, he had his issues but Nagito cared about the brown haired boy.

"You idiot. That is the stupidest thing you have ever did. You really think that I liked Kishiko like that? Fuck no." Nagito replied. "You are the one I like the most, Hinata. Despite your constant bragging about Hope's Peak, you at least make me feel like I am worth something."

While Nagito continued his 'confession', Hajime gave a deep sigh before suddenly turning around and kissing the white haired boy on the lips. It was all sudden as both boys didn't move an inch. Moments pass and Hajime broke the kiss before Nagito pulled him back in with a more passion filled kiss. Fingers combed through each other's hair as Hajime pushed Nagito down onto the pavement.

"A-Ah..." Nagito moaned, shutting his eyes in pleasure as Hajime began sucking his neck. "Hinata...wait..."

"Hmm?" Hajime looked at him, panting with half of his shirt unbuttoned. "Was it too much?"

"No...but we should take it inside. I don't want to give the neighbours any ideas."

Hajime got off him and brushed himself off. "Fine, but that doesn't mean that you get to be on top."

"Wasn't planning on it." Nagito smirked.
The End

Here is the prompt list for anyone interested in writing their own Komahina fics.

Here is the prompt list for anyone interested in writing their own Komahina fics

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