°Final Chapter°

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The next day went by very slowly, the scene repeating itself endlessly inside all three of their brains. The three didn’t say anything but cuddled together in hopes of feeling a bit of comfort and hope that this whole nightmare would be over soon. Another young woman had joined their little group during that time. She was about their age with natural blonde hair and preferred to be called Layla. She came off as a bit weird to the three, but they didn’t mind her company. That was until she started to show a certain interest in Nex. Of course, Olive and Erin weren’t too happy about that and weren’t going to have their boyfriend stolen by some basic white girl. 

Since this girl had come into the picture, almost everything seemed irrelevant at that time. Erin was the first to do something about this. 

“Hey, do you mind if I talk to you in private?” Erin asked Layla, trying to be as nonchalant as possible when your boyfriend could be stolen from you. 

“Yeah sure, what do you need?” She asked back in a forced polite tone. 

“Hey. I know that you like my boyfriend, but could you please stop making moves on him? He's already taken.” Erin stated

“Humph. If you don’t like it you can just break up with him.” She said as she placed her hands on her hips. 

This angered Erin, but he retained his composure. 

“This is the first and only time I am asking politely,” Erin said, staring her in the eyes, almost in a challenging way. 

Layla stayed quiet and Erin felt that he had done his part, and turned back to go cuddle with his boyfriends again. Of course, Layla then disappeared for a few minutes, only to come back with a security guard. She led him to where the three were cuddled under a soft blanket, pointing out Erin who had his back facing them.

“That's him Mr. guard. He’s infected, he said he was going to sacrifice me to his god and said that he was going to kill those two as well!” Layla fake cried, standing with her knees bending inwards in a seemingly scared position. 

The guard walked forward and grabbed Erin's shoulder. By this time all three knew what was happening. The guard yanked Erin to his feet and started to led him out of the aisle while Erin protested and struggled against the strength of the guard. Both Olive and Nex were basically begging the guard to not do that. 

“Please! He isn't infected!”

“It's her that infected not him!”

“Please don’t do this!”

Tears pricked at Erin’s eyes and he reached a hand out to stop his boyfriends. It was no use protesting against something that would happen one way or another. He smiled at them before sadly saying with a tear-filled sob,

“Stay safe for me my loves. It is no use trying to do anything. I love you two with all my heart, please don't forget me.”

With those last words, Erin was pulled around the corner, while Olive and Nex stood in the hallway, waiting for the inevitable gunshot. The strange thing was, the gunshot never came. Instead, an ear-piercing silence plagued the Walmart. Olive cocked his head to the side out of confusion, before smelling something vile. Olive looked to the side and it was clear that Nex had smelt it as well. Footsteps could be heard running towards their direction. Then, before they knew it there stood their boyfriend. Not a deceased corpse of him, nor bleeding and wounded. He hugged his boyfriends before kissing both of their cheeks. 

They all closed their eyes, embracing the moment, before feeling a foggy sensation around their bodies, along with that strong vile stench. Erin had opened his eyes for a brief moment before shutting them again as the fog had stung his eyes. It was a greenish-yellow color, that looked similar to fire smoke. Just then all three of them knew what was going to happen. At least they would go down together. The foggy smoke filled the store, staining the windows a greenish color. The three teens began to feel their conscience slip away into nothingness. It felt like someone had put their hand down their throat, suffocating them all. The only thing Olive, Nex, and Erin would remember is being in the warm embrace of their boyfriends, being only some of the victims the Walmart claimed.

Walmart Witch HuntWhere stories live. Discover now