Chapter 3

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With the bulky helmet securely strapped to your head, you stood awkwardly in the centre of the room. You had just eaten lunch and were feeling in better spirits, though unsure of how to act. Sky was standing at the ready with her notebook, Jayce standing with his hand on a comically large switch attached to the wires from your helmet. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie. You paused, did they have movies here?

Viktor stood looking at you thoughtfully as you anxiously wrung your hands.

"Is this going to hurt?" You asked. To your relief, they hadn't tried to strap you down, but all these wires were still freaking you out.

Viktor chuckled, the sound melodic and instantly calming you down. Another thing you would probably panic about later. You'd only been around him a few hours and already he had a strong effect on you. What was going on? You were pretty sure you'd never developed a crush this fast before, but it felt like you already knew him.

"No, it's only going to measure your brain waves." He reassured you. You let out a breath of relief you didn't realize you had been holding in.

To start they stood you on the opposite side of the room as the Gemstone and instructed you to close your eyes.

"We will start by taking a baseline," Viktor explained. You heard a gentle hum start as the switch was flicked on. You instinctively braced for pain that never came. You heard scribbling, likely Sky jotting down the readings before you were instructed to open your eyes. You were staring at the wall, nothing exciting, but you still felt nervous. You didn't know what to expect, and their silence was killing you.

"Okay, please turn around and face the Gemstone on the desk," Viktor instructed.

You turned to face the glowing blue orb that was stuck in its holder across the room. You felt that similar draw that you did the last time you purposefully looked at it, the electric feeling rushing under your skin.

"Are you seeing this, Viktor?" Jayce asked, pointing to the screen in front of him. All the different coloured squiggly lines meant nothing to you, nor the rotating picture of a brain, lighting up different sections, but something was definitely off. You looked to the three people huddled together, feeling the electric feeling subside.

Viktor hummed his agreement as you asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, all is fine," Viktor reassured, "just some interesting readings. Would you please try walking towards the Gemstone?"

You nodded uneasily, the helmet heavy on your head. You brought your gaze back to the Gemstone, the now familiar feeling picking back up again. You walked slowly towards it, the white noise steadily growing in intensity, drowning out the sounds of their urgent whispering.

You could feel it drawing you closer, almost as if your legs had a mind of their own. You thought you would have been scared, had the feeling enveloping your chest not made you feel like you were walking towards something you'd been missing your whole life. A piece of the puzzle finally slotting into place.

You could hear the others talking in the background but the white noise was too loud, making it impossible to hear what they were saying. There appeared to be no urgent yelling at you to stop so you continued forward. You stood in front of the Gemstone, its blue light still beckoning you closer, you watched as your instincts took control and you reached out slowly, the Gemstone's glow getting brighter.

"Hey! Maybe you shouldn't-" Came the warning from Jayce, but it was too late, you had already made contact.

You watched with terrified fascination as the Gemstone's light seemed to explode under your fingertip, momentarily blinding everyone in the room. You tried to jerk your hand away to stop whatever reaction was going on but it was too late. With a shrill screech, the Gemstones light was sucked up, like a vacuum, into your finger before it disappeared beneath your skin. The stone was now dull, the electric feeling drawing you forward no longer present.

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