Chapter 2

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Two years have passed it was now June of 1991. Chloe's brothers were now all home. Even Adam and he had taken playing Quidditch for the Montrose Magpies. Travis was going to Hogsmeade to help run the wand shop until he figured out what he wanted to do. Carvell and Milford had just finished their's 6th year, Derek his 4th year, Corey his 2nd year, and Cody just finished his first year at Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. 

"Oh, Chloe! You are going to love Hogwarts!" Cody exclaimed as they were denoming the yard. "Even if you are a shapeshifter! Then some students like you even more!"

"They should like you for you, not because you are a shapeshifter," Chloe said. 

"What if I get into Slytherin?" Chloe worried, Clover popped up in one of the holes.

"You are funny," Corey laughed as Clover jumped into Chloe's arms. "You don't have a single mean bone in your body."

"Not everyone in Slytherin is mean," Derek said. "The great Merlin was a Slytherin, though Corey is right, it does have a lot of bad energy coming from it."

"If anything you'll probably get Hufflepuff like us," Milford said as he and Carvell tossed a Gnome together. 

"You are worrying too much," Carvell laughed.

"You lot seem busy," a voice said. They looked up to see Adam looking down at them on his broom.

"Adam!" the lot exclaimed. Soon they were all sitting around a table with their grandfather, aunt, and uncle. 

"That pass you made was amazing," Dad said to Adam. "Mom was bawling thought you were going to die the whole time."

"Elm!" Mm exclaimed as she smacked her husband's arm. 

"Chloe, you should come to Diagon Alley tomorrow," Aunt suggested. "Time to get your wand."

"Isn't it too soon?" Chloe asked.  "The school year is still months away."

"Oh, don't be such a stickler," Uncle advised. "It is time for you to get your wand. What do you say, father?"

"I have just the wands that I believe will favor you," Ollivander said. "But it's up to your mom."

"Come on mum," Carvell said. "It's time."

"Oh, maybe next month," Mom said. "I just don't want my youngest to grow up to fast."

"She's not growing up, she's getting her wand," Milford laughed. "She's not going to an old lady the moment she gets her wand."

"Hold up, how do we know Chloe is going to be magical enough to get in?" Derek asked.

"She turned your hair green at the age of two," Cody reminded him. "And all over a breaking her teddy bear." 

"Let's not forget her hair changed color shortly after being born," Travis brought up. "To a bright neon blue color as well."

"Then it's decided, Chloe will come to the shop at the beginning of next month," Ollivander clapped his hands together. 


That night, Chloe was sitting on the back porch, drinking tea, staring at the stars. 

'First year of Hogwarts is coming quick. Will I be able to make friends? Will they like me for me? What if I end up being terrible at my studies!? I'll get kicked out in the first week!'

Her thoughts got interrupted by small cries. Chloe's ears followed the sound, she looked down to see something walking through the grass. Chloe got up, she grabbed the lantern and went over, the creature stopped moving from the light and looked up. It was a little Knarl, injured and it looked sick.

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