Chapter 5

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The next morning, Chloe woke up to the sounds of the wind whistling through the curtains, and the feeling of someone treading through her hair. She moved her hands coming across a little nose.

"Dizzy," Chloe smiled as she opened her eyes. She grabbed Dizzy and sat up. "This is going to be our home for a couple of months." Dizzy started to act cute. "You are hungry, aren't you?" Dizzy nodded madly.  Chloe got up and got ready for the first day, she noticed her robes had a Ravenclaw touch to them. She tied her hair back in a high ponytail and placed Dizzy on her shoulder before leaving the bathroom.

"So this is the infamous Dizzy," Sue noted as she looked over. "So cute!'

"Thanks!" Chloe smiled. "You have any pets?"

"I have an owl from Diagon Alley," Sue answered as they began to leave the dormitory. "Named her Diamond."

"Nice name, " Chloe complimented. "Sounds like elegant looking owl.

"Diamond is a Great Gray Owl," Sue informed. "So what are you?"

"What am I?" Chloe asked.

"I'm half," Sue informed. "My family lives in Scotland."

"Oh, I'm half as well," Chloe answered. "Southwest part of England." As soon as they stepped out of the common room, Chloe felt something latch on to her.

"And who is this cutie?" Sue asked, Chloe then looked down to see a happy niffler.

"Clover," a voice answered, they looked to see Harry and Ron, Harry seemed different.

"You are Harry Potter," Sue blushed. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you," Harry said a bit awkwardly.

"What happened to your glasses?" Chloe asked. 

"Clover," Ron huffed, Chloe looked down before Clover could escape, she hung upside down by his feet and began to shake him, lots of valuables started to fall out.

"Clover, we've been only here a day," Chloe stated.

"In his defense, it's your first time, he's been here before,"  Ron said.

"Just whose side are you on?" Chloe asked.

"Just whose side are you on?" Ron mimicked, as Sue began laughing as Chloe tickled Clover and shook him out more.

"Here we are," Chloe smiled as the glasses fell out. "Sorry Harry, I know they just got fixed.

"It's alright," Harry smiled lightly as he picked it up, slightly broken.

"Let me," Sue offered as she pulled out her wand. "Occulus Reparo." Instantly the glasses were put back together.

"Thanks!" Harry lit up. 

"Come on, breakfast is going on," Ron urged. Chloe and Sue looked at each other, they then all went down to breakfast. 

"Who's the ginger?" Sue asked as they sat at their separate house tables. 

"Ron Weasley, my neighbor," Chloe answered as she put down. "Any hobbies?"

" Before I came here, my grandma started to teach me how to knit," Sue answered. 

"That's so cool!" Chloe complimented.

"Thanks," Sue blushed. 

"Your schedules," a voice said, they looked to see Flitwick placing papers in front of them.

"Thank you," the girls said as they glanced at them.

"Tell your grandfather I say hello," Professor Flitwick requested.

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