Chapter 7

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The two remained in the hospital wing, the door opened, Chloe sat up as Sue walked in, Neville glanced over, before keeping his head facing the other way. 

"Sue," Chloe smiled.

"You sure made a scene today in class," Sue said as she sat on the bed, Dizzy crawled across the bedsheets.

"I know to get back on the ground the flier has to lean forward," Chloe explained. "I was doing that, though it seemed as if the broom didn't want to listen."

"It probably didn't help that there were two people on the broom," Sue brought up. "Two different commands going on at once."

"That could be true," Chloe nodded her head. "Though I was in front, so I should've been in control. It's almost as if the broom was jinxed."

"Jinxed!" Sue repeated. "Who would jinx a broom during a class? Out in the open? We are first years, most of us shouldn't know something like that. And Madam Hooch is a teacher, she wouldn't do that to a student."

"I know it sounds crazy," Chloe nodded her head. "It's's just how it felt." 

"I believe you," Sue said as she put her hands on Chloe's shoulders.

"You do?" Chloe asked as she tilted her head. Sue pulled out a mirror, Chloe saw that her eyes were black. "Oh."

"If you are that serious about the broom being jinxed, then there is a possibility," Sue said. "But you need to know what happened after you and Neville left." Chloe tilted her head. Sue then told her all about what happened with Draco and Harry.

"Oh, Merlin!" Chloe exclaimed.

"McGonagall made it seem like she was ready to kick Harry out," Sue explained. "But instead...Harry is now seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

"Seeker?" Chloe repeated. "But first years never--that must make Harry that youngest house player in about--"

"A century," Sue finished. "Everybody is talking about it."

"Wow," Chloe breathed. "That's amazing. My brother Adam is going to be so impressed. I should write to him."

"Your brother is just going to come to Hogwarts to watch a Quidditch game?" Sue asked. 

"He just might," Chloe nodded. "Harry's first game as well."

"How are you going to get a famous quidditch player to come to watch?" Sue asked.

"I'm his youngest sibling and only sister," Chloe said. "To Adam, I'm not just another student, I'm his baby sister."

"You don't think he'll be too busy?" Sue asked.

"I'm sure he can make it to one game," Chloe nodded her head. 

"I'm counting on it," Sue said as she got up. "I'll see you in the dorm." She put Dizzy in Chloe's hands.

"See you in the dorm," Chloe said as Sue left. 

"Before I forget," Sue as she turned, she dug into her pocket. "Make sure to get this to Neville." She put the rememberall on Chloe's bed then left the room. Soon Neville and Chloe were released from the hospital room, they were both silent for the first half on the way back to their common rooms. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Chloe asked. 

"Hm?" Neville asked as he looked at her.

"When Sue came to visit," Chloe said. "I know you were awake."

"I just wanted to listen," Neville said as he looked away. "And I'm sorry. About what I said earlier."

"Oh, it's alright," Chloe said as she looked away. 

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