A "Beautiful" Day in Liyue

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Hu tao's POV:

Hu tao: Ahh! Another beautiful day! I wonder what I will do today... Ooh! Maybe I Can ask Xingqiu! He should know! I Believe he should be In Qingce village! *Hums*

Third person POV:

As Hu tao was Strolling around Qingce village looking for Xingqiu, she found both Xingqiu and Chongyun near the water grasslands (near the glaze lilies and since idk what they were called-).
She was about to run up to them until she heard them talking about her.

Chongyun and Xingqiu's POV:

Chongyun: It's like, everytime I cross paths with her, somehow, my blood starts to boil... and I'm not sure why... Is it maybe because of her cheerfulness or something else?

Xingqiu: I know... I tend to admire her company but sometimes... she gets rather annoying...

Hu tao's POV:

(So... That is what they think of me... I shouldn't take it to heart tho... The best thing I can do right now Is to avoid them as much as possible... )

Third Person POV:

As Chongyun and Xingqiu Continued chatting, they heard crying, as they turned to look at where the weeping noise was coming from, they see Hu tao covering her eyes as she cries. Xingqiu and Chongyun at first, had confused faces but, those confused faces turned into faces of pity as they had realized what they have said and try to chase after her but she had already disappeared. Their only hope is to somehow come across her in the harbor.

Chongyun's POV:

Chongyun: We messed up bad... Didn't we?
Xingqiu: ...We surely did...

Hu tao' s POV:

I Guess I can go to Bubu Pharmacy to see if they have any medicines since my sister is sick... Again... I Just need to get her prescription or else Baizhu might think I'm there to try and bury Qiqi again... welp, time to go back home.. or atleast my "Parents" home...(Author: also I know Hu tao may not actually have a sibling but... Please Bare with me T w T This is just my fanfic T w T)

Third person/Narrator POV:
As Hu tao is about to leave Liyue harbor, she realizes she is forgetting something...

Hu tao's POV: 

Oh right... Those two might be expecting me to bring mora... they might not give me the prescription if I don't bring mora... GREAT- NOW I need head back to my place... UGH- Those two get on my nerves!

Third person/Narrator POV:

As Hu tao was walking among the streets of Liyue, already passing by Wanmin restaurant,
Her face went from a serious face to  a  face of Unfortune as she just so happen to see Xingqiu and Chongyun. she tried to ignore them and just walk straight ahead but Chongyun spotted her and Told Xingqiu.

Hu tao's POV:

Oh shoot... Why are they here?! Breathe, Breathe... just try to ignore them and walk straight ahead and maybe they won't notice you...

Chongyun POV:

C'mon Hu tao, where are you... wait..




Hu tao's POV:

Shoot! I need to go!

Third Person POV:

As Hu tao Is trying to run away, Chongyun Runs after her and successfully manages to grab her hand.

Hu tao POV:


Hu tao please let us talk...

As he grabs my hand, I Try my hardest to Ignore him and walk away but I Can't since his grip Is strong and I'm unable to let go.

Can we please talk later or something? I am really in a rush to get mora from my place since i need get my sister's prescription from my parents and they might want mora for it..

Xingqiu's POV:

*Whispers*: Chongyun, let me handle this

Hu tao, How bout I provide you with some mora and then we all can talk on the walk there?

Hu tao:

Oh no, Its fine Xingqiu... I can go on my own and also get my own mora.. (She says with a subtle smile)

Author's note: This is the end for chapter one! I'll post chapter 2 idk when- Im sorry this was a long chapter for JUST the first chapter- imma leave it on a cliffhanger for now soo... See you in the next chapter!

The flower that withered away // Hu tao Angst fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now