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Hu tao's POV


Please wait for me here.. I will just get some extra mora to buy the medicine.. We had somebody get the prescription from your parents earlier..

You did what now?!


Since I remembered that you needed to collect the prescription of your sister from your parents, I decided to make it less of a hassle for you. 

Oh no, Oh no, Oh no... I'm in huge trouble when I get back... Especially since Yue must have told them...

I appreciate the kind gesture very much Xingqiu! Truly!


The pleasure is all mine Hu tao!

Although... May I ask.. To whom did you ask to travel to my parents' home to acquire the prescription?


Oh! I had asked Ms. Yanfei to acquire it! she was the only one available and  one of the only ones who knows every single home in all of Liyue. And she was kind enough to accept it!

 YANFEI?! Oh lord of geo.. It really is the end of me.. Isn't it..

Oh alright! When she arrives, I will make sure to-


Sir Xingqiu! I have the prescription!


Ah! Thank you Ms. Yanfei!


The pleasure is all mine Sir Xingqiu! Although It isn't my usual work...I'm always happy to help!

Thank you very much Ms. Yanfei for acquiring the prescription!


Ah! Ms. Hu tao! I didn't notice you behind me! But no problem!

Thank you... All of you...Although... What will happen when I deliver the medicine...? What will my parents say?..
I really can't worry them any further... I will get in even more trouble than now if I allow anybody to come with me...


Uhm.. Ms. Hu tao?


Hu tao?  are you alright?


Hu tao? are you there?

Chongyun's POV


Hu tao? are you there?

She.. zoned out again... Now I really don't know If she Is really okay?...

Hu tao:

Ah! I apologize! I'm here!


Oh okay... But here is the prescription!

Hu tao:

Thank you! I shall be on my way now...

Wait, would you like for somebody to accompany you there?

Hu tao:

Oh no! I will be alright on my own Chongyun! Besides, I'm just gonna head to Bubu Pharmacy first...

Are you sure?

Hu tao:

Of course! But I will see you later! I really have to head there before it closes down-


Wait! You forgot this! The mora should come in handy knowing what happened earlier!


What did happen earlier?


We will explain it later!


Oh alright!  But please stay safe Ms. Hu tao!

Hu tao:

I will! Thank you Ms. Yanfei!

Right.. You also need to stay safe.. cause who knows what would happen to you...

Wait... Why am I worried?!

Yea Hu tao... Stay safe out there!

Hu tao:

I will! now Bye - bye!

Hu tao's POV:

Why were they... No! I'm sure they weren't! people can't stand me...
So how would they... I should just head to Bubu Pharmacy...

(She heads to Bubu Pharmacy)

*sighs* Here goes nothing...

(She walks in)

Hiii Qiqi...


What are you doing here?..


If you are here to bury Qiqi again Ms. Hu tao, It will not work as I am here!

I am.. not here to bury Qiqi Mr. Baizhu!  I am just here to grab medicine! I even have the prescription here for proof!


Mr. Baizhu! She comes here regularly! usually when you are not around... She is speaking the truth!


Alright then... But Ms. Hu tao.. Who even is this medicine for?

Its for my sister.. She has been sick and my parents tasked me to get the medicine...


Ok then.. Here.. Goodbye!

Goodbye Mr. Baizhu..

Author's note:

I truly apologize for the long delay of this chapter! I have been very busy so I haven't had the time to publish this chapter.. Thank you for your patience and have a nice day/night! ^^

The flower that withered away // Hu tao Angst fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now