my very own wings? Cool! ( updated)

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I was sitting on top of a hill, looking at my divine-like markings... I guess that...whatever that voice was, wasn't playing..."I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Is this just like a game? Do I say appraisal or-"..... "Yes?" "AH!" I shouted as I fell down from the surprise, "What the hell man! Don't scare me like that!"
"I deeply apologize, I hope you can find it deep in your heart to forgive me."..Wow. For an apology that doesn't sound the least bit sincere, that was good.. The voice said. "Let me introduce myself, I am Appraisal...I will appraise whatever you tell me to...and I am able to give you knowledge." " Ok well......can you tell me about myself?" "Y/n, L/n... species: god., gender: ______, pronouns: _____"....
"...What about the history of my markings?"
"Classified information. You must level up.".... Great, I'm a god with unknown markings, who just got reincarnated, and doesn't know what the heck is happening...I sighed, guess I'll just have to figure it out.
10 minutes later
"I'm hungry, when will I be able to feel the concrete floor again?" I groaned, I've been walking for a long time, and this grass is going to drive me crazy! ..."I do not know" The voice answered.... "Is there a village around?"... "To know you must have the scan skill. " The voice answered again..."could you tell me how to get that skill? "..."you just have to get you're marks to glow and describe a skill you want. Do remember, some skills can't be created, and they can be learned by others. "..."Aha!
Normally in video games you have to have strength to do these things! This world seems to be just like a game, so if there is any chance to get some fruits from that forest, I'm taking it!" I exclaimed as I started walking to the now visible forest, pointing at it. "I wonder if there's any other species, like magic wolves or something". When I got a little bit deeper into the forest, I looked up to see a variety of fruits on a bunch of trees. " Finally, Food!" They are, luckily, not rotten. Their quality seems high enough too! Even though I was lucky to find such fruits, when I jumped up to snatch one, I realized something obvious ..."Anndd...! They are on surprisingly, abnormal tall trees. " I said as I fell down from jumping. .... "All of them." wonder if I have any already owned skills that I could use to help. "Hey, appraisal? If I already have skills, can you tell me what they are?"...."
Wings: level 1, Divine Creation: level 1, Divine Strike: level 1, Divine Sight: level 1, Divine Kick: level 1, and Divine Destruction: level 1"..."I'm not even going to try to ask about the last one's name and power... How do I use Wings? "..."Just say the name of the skill and move the wings that will appear on your back."
I guess I can try....
"Wings..." Ouch! I knew it was going to hurt but why is it way more painful than I expected? I mean I can fly, but still. Speaking of flying, do I just move my wings like this? when I started to lift off the ground, it earned a "woah" from me. "I'm flying...?" "I'm actually flying! This is amazing, I bet it will come in handy in the future!" All my excitement went to my stomach when I heard it grumble. "As much as I would like to celebrate, I think I should get one of those fruits now." sighing from my stomachs eagerness, I flied up to the top of the tree, snatching one from its branch.

Satoru? (rimuru x reader (any gender :D) oldWhere stories live. Discover now