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Hey author here! I noticed that i have not posted for more than a month. (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
Im sorry,my motivation seems to disappear every now and then, and recovers after a month or so. Again I apologize for my laziness.

I have also noticed that because of my short chapters..you might.. uhh... get ads every second. I will try to make them longer, because it annoys me aswell.

To get ads every second can be quite the problem, trust me, I know how painful it is.

sorry for wasting your time on this little apology note, I will now began the story.

   "My Love for wind will only grow stronger. which may lead you to dishoner.  Do not worry though, your life will be spared. But your scars will only get scared"

      Okay.  What is up with her and these poems. Its starting to get annoying... Its either she used to be a poet in her past life, or shes just a goddess (whos beauty is unimaginably "Graceful" by the way) that loves to be a women of words.                   
               And to be honest. Shes actually doing quite well, for someone whos, might I remind you: Trying to kill me with "WIND" 
                    How do you even do that?
I dont even understand  why shes coming at me, I mean...I did nothing wrong... plus... At times like this , you wish  something called "Appraisal" would give you a strategy. But NO. You, sadly ,have to level up.
             I immediatly shut down my thoughts when I felt a liquid, in other words..blood. fall directly under my right eye onto my cheek... Great. Now I have a cut that'll most likely lead to a scar.  Hoping for the best, I thought about what I could use from my skills.
                  Meanwhile, on the other hand I was trying to dodge the painfully sharp wind, barely being able to keep up with the winds movements itself. "I dont know how im suppose to keep up with her, if I cant keep up with an everyday breeze." I mumbled under my breath
                   I would love to talk it out, but it seems like she wouldn't listen. Plus what do you want me to say?
              "Hey! I think you might have  mistaken  me for  your sworn enemy! Its honestly getting annoying! So can you (beeping)  stop?"
                And like it was staged, she randomly stopped. Question is, why?..... Realization suddenly hit me. It hit me as quick as her magic gave me wounds. "So. Did I say that out lou- YIKES!" I got caught off gaurd with wind being shot directly at me! Luckily it missed me..barely.
....Okay....Its okay... You might have angered her more...but you'll get through this.. You wont die!.Okay!..I have to calm down.  Everything feels like its going to fast.
          Especially because of how quick I am to panic. If Im going to win this, im going to have to keep calm. It wont help if im too energetic to think.
            Clearing my mind. I sighed in relief, I started to think calmy, but quickly. I cant keep stalling forever... I was thinking hard, maybe a little too hard.
          I can barely dodge all of these attacks, so I need to be careful." Even if your chance of dying is high, you  can still get through this"..Whispering words of support is not helping as much as I thought it would...sighing, I went back to thinking..If only I could keep up with with her magical "wind"...
Think.....think.... ...Aha! DIVINE CREATION!... if I just use it with divine sight ill be able to keep up! "Im so smart!" I said as I smiled  mischievously at my "self-proclaimed" statement.
          Before, appraisal said that I have to make my marks glow for a creation of a skill. Im guessing she was talking about divine creation, but... How do I make my marks glow? I know it cant light up just from saying or thinking the word..."glow"....right?....Right?.."Glow"    ..
                     Just as I thought. It would be dumb to even think- Annnndddd its glowing...What did I even expect?
Im just lucky its a beautiful color. If its as easy to make it glow-...no....It couldnt be...."Divine speed"...I shouldnt have been as suprised as the girl was when I, myself also started to glow, but I was. I was glowing,okay?. Who wouldnt be?
          Im glowing such a beautiful, angelic,  (warm,cool,vibrant) color.
I dont think this would have fit me in my past life.
          Back to the fight, Including my safety.  Speaking the words "Divine speed"  under my breath, I started to speed up. I was a fast as lighting, but. I could barely control it.  This is going to be a pain in the ass, but I guess it will have to do. For now. "Divine Sight"... I slowed down a little and started my attack...."Divine strike!" I yelled aiming at her.
       She dodged with a  weird look. A look that seemed like she was making fun of me. Why does she have that look on her fa- I shouldve known. Slow down ! STOP! I yelled in my head, I was heading for a tree! Probably the worst result of "Not stopping after you start your attack".  My life flashed before my my eyes before my feet came to an halt, right in front of the tree.
         Oh. My. Dear.Life. This speed is Questionable .useful. BUT. Questionable.
  But what do I do now? Because my Divine speed is...well....divine. I cant make it stop when I attack.
                     I quickly turned around, barely quick enough to see and get ready for her next attack. But,just as she was close enough to hit me with an full on attack...........she fainted....

Satoru? (rimuru x reader (any gender :D) oldWhere stories live. Discover now