The dance of an gods music

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As I was roaming around the forest I thought about how it was kinda easy to defeat that monster, how it felt kind of onesided, and how I didn't know if the monster was weak or if I was just strong.
I didn't even know how I even had the stamina to dodge any of that monsters attacks,I didn't nor do I have any combat experience. My head was was starting to over fill with so many questions that I couldnt even count them all, "Is there at least one person who can answer my questions!?-"...." I can." Appraisal answered...
"Yet you cant give me not even one strategy!" ..........
"To get strategies and others you would have to level me up just like the other skills. But if you are to be in serious danger, I will force a level up for 1 minute "Appraisal explained....
"Wait. You can do that?! Why didnt you tell me earlier?"..."I didnt think it was needed...would it have been necessary to tell you?"....."YES! IT WOULD HAVE" I Shouted....I sighed at the new information, but then somehow got a little hopeful at a thought...."Hey Appraisal?" ....." If someone died from my world is there a chance that they were also reincarnated into this one?".......
"Yes, there is, but the chance of something like that happening is low." A smile grew on my face.....Even if the chance is low, it still means that satoru could be here...."Welp its settled then! " I shouted, "If satoru is here with me, then im going to find him!- OUCH" I got cut off as I stepped on a rock, "Why did my moment have to be ruined in a painful way! At least put some type of style in it, you hear me? Style!"....Great...Im talking to myself again.
DING...huh?.....DING..."Whats the heck is that noise?"I questioned out that a bell?...As I walked towards the loud sound, I saw someone there. When I saw them I immediately hid behind a tree,I looked at them admiring their appearance .They were beautiful and seemed godly. It felt like it would have been a huge honor to see them if I was human. I wonder if they can tell me about satoru.
They sung and danced, Their voice was beautiful and heavenly...
Their music had captured me in an endless loop of amazement and glory.
I snapped out of the endless loop when I saw what looked like wind suddenly surrounding them.
"What the that some sort of wind? am I able to see it?" I whispered hoping that they wouldnt hear me, and that if they did I at least hope they dont think im a creep...I was suprised when I saw the wind turn into different kinds of shapes...
My admiration and amazement couldnt be explained, But I stopped admiring them when the somehow seeable wind pointed towards me. How the hell did they see me?
They never looked this way?! Matter of a fact, their eyes were closed the whole time! I thought about it as I tried to confirm the direction of wind, seeing if the wind wasnt just pointing randomly somwhere.
And as I thought and thought,they kept on dancing and singing gracefully. Gracefully? It wasnt graceful anymore, the wind literally shot at me!
I quickly dodged it but had got a little cut on the side on my shoulder. "With wind?! Seriously, how?" I shouted.
"I sense things behind trees, may whom be able to finally be seen....dont try and hide from me. May I win with all my glory, and express my glee......may whom be blessed by the windy seas"...."what the hell!?" I yelled as the wind shot at me again,"Tch....and I thought I finally would be able to get some hints about satoru"

Satoru? (rimuru x reader (any gender :D) oldWhere stories live. Discover now